Mean Square Displacement for particle tracking--Brownian motion
There are three methods below to measure Mean Square Displacement(MSD):
MSD_auto.m using imfindcircle tool to Track the center of the cell then calculate MSD and plot.
MSD_ImageJ_MTrack2.m using imagej preprocess the tiff image and output centers in .txt file then calculate MSD and plot.
MSD_manual.m because the unprecise tracking results by the two methods above, using getpts to track centers manually.
Auto tracking MTrack2 tracking Manual tracking
Moving path MSD
Input data are .tif seperated image sequances(please put your own data in the file /data)
In this project I provided 6 pairs of images
images without _down are particles that stays at the middle of the fluid
images with _down are particles near glass slide
Outputs are two png images and one MPEG-4 video
Track results overlap on the origin image video
particle's moving path image
MSD result image