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First version of 2d clustering benchmark + plotting macro. (#11)
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* First version of 2d clustering benchmark + plotting macro. Added an option to use HGCalImagingAlgo with pandas dataframes.
* Allow for scaling of the cluster radius for sim-red matching. Added time measurements.
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jniedzie authored and clelange committed Jun 13, 2018
1 parent 3e4282a commit 4116b6e
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class Hexel:

def __init__(self, rHit=None, sigmaNoise=None):
def __init__(self, rHit=None, sigmaNoise=None, usePandas=False):
self.eta = 0
self.phi = 0
self.x = 0
Expand All @@ -44,6 +44,20 @@ def __init__(self, rHit=None, sigmaNoise=None):
self.sigmaNoise = 0.
self.thickness = 0.
if rHit is not None:
if usePandas:
self.eta = rHit["eta"]
self.phi = rHit["phi"]
self.x = rHit["x"]
self.y = rHit["y"]
self.z = rHit["z"]
self.weight = rHit["energy"]
self.detid = rHit["detid"]
self.layer = rHit["layer"]
self.isHalfCell = rHit["isHalf"]
self.thickness = rHit["thickness"]
self.time = rHit["time"]
self.clusterRECOIndex = rHit["cluster2d"]
self.eta = rHit.eta()
self.phi = rHit.phi()
self.x = rHit.x()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,37 +320,49 @@ def findAndAssignClusters(self, nd, points_0, points_1, lp, maxdensity, layer, v
return current_clusters

# make list of Hexels out of rechits
def populate(self, rHitsCollection, ecut=None):
def populate(self, rHitsCollection, ecut=None, usePandas=False):
# adjust ecut if necessary
if ecut is None:
ecut = self.ecut
# init 2D hexels
points = [[] for i in range(0, 2 * (self.maxlayer + 1))] # initialise list of per-layer-lists of hexels

# loop over all hits and create the Hexel structure, skip energies below ecut
for rHit in rHitsCollection:
if usePandas:
for index, rHit in rHitsCollection.iterrows():
if (rHit["layer"] > self.maxlayer):
continue # current protection
# energy treshold dependent on sensor
sigmaNoise, aboveThreshold = recHitAboveThreshold(rHit, ecut, self.dependSensor, usePandas)
if not aboveThreshold:
# organise layers accoring to the sgn(z)
layerID = rHit["layer"] + (rHit["z"] > 0) * (self.maxlayer + 1) # +1 - yes or no?
points[layerID].append(Hexel(rHit, sigmaNoise, usePandas))
for rHit in rHitsCollection:
if (rHit.layer() > self.maxlayer):
continue # current protection
# energy treshold dependent on sensor
sigmaNoise, aboveThreshold = recHitAboveThreshold(rHit, ecut=ecut, dependSensor=self.dependSensor)
sigmaNoise, aboveThreshold = recHitAboveThreshold(rHit, ecut, self.dependSensor, usePandas)
if not aboveThreshold:
# organise layers accoring to the sgn(z)
layerID = rHit.layer() + (rHit.z() > 0) * (self.maxlayer + 1) # +1 - yes or no?
points[layerID].append(Hexel(rHit, sigmaNoise))
points[layerID].append(Hexel(rHit, sigmaNoise, usePandas))

return points

# make 2D clusters out of rechists (need to introduce class with input params: delta_c, kappa, ecut, ...)
def makeClusters(self, rHitsCollection, ecut=None):
# make 2D clusters out of rechits (need to introduce class with input params: delta_c, kappa, ecut, ...)
def makeClusters(self, rHitsCollection, ecut=None, usePandas=False):
# adjust ecut if necessary
if ecut is None:
ecut = self.ecut
# init 2D cluster lists
clusters = [[] for i in range(0, 2 * (self.maxlayer + 1))] # initialise list of per-layer-clusters

# get the list of Hexels out of raw rechits
points = self.populate(rHitsCollection, ecut=ecut)
points = self.populate(rHitsCollection, ecut, usePandas)

# loop over all layers, and for each layer create a list of clusters. layers are organised according to the sgn(z)
for layerID in range(0, 2 * (self.maxlayer + 1)):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,24 +638,34 @@ def getMultiClusterEnergy(multi_clu):
# determine if the rechit energy is above the desired treshold

def recHitAboveThreshold(rHit, ecut, dependSensor=True):
def recHitAboveThreshold(rHit, ecut, dependSensor=True, usePandas=False):
sigmaNoise = 1.

layer = 0
thickness = 0
energy = 0
if usePandas:
layer = rHit["layer"]
thickness = rHit["thickness"]
energy = rHit["energy"]
layer = rHit.layer()
thickness = rHit.thickness()
energy =

thickIndex = -1
if(rHit.layer() <= HGCalImagingAlgo.lastLayerFH): # EE + FH
thickness = rHit.thickness()
if(thickness > 99. and thickness < 101.):
thickIndex = 0
elif(thickness > 199. and thickness < 201.):
thickIndex = 1
elif(thickness > 299. and thickness < 301.):
thickIndex = 2
print("ERROR - silicon thickness has a nonsensical value")

if(layer <= HGCalImagingAlgo.lastLayerFH): # EE + FH
if(thickness > 99. and thickness < 101.): thickIndex = 0
elif(thickness > 199. and thickness < 201.): thickIndex = 1
elif(thickness > 299. and thickness < 301.): thickIndex = 2
else: print("ERROR - silicon thickness has a nonsensical value")
# determine noise for each sensor/subdetector using RecHitCalibration library

RecHitCalib = RecHitCalibration()
sigmaNoise = 0.001 * RecHitCalib.sigmaNoiseMeV(rHit.layer(), thickIndex) # returns threshold for EE, FH, BH (in case of BH thickIndex does not play a role)
aboveThreshold = >= ecut * sigmaNoise # this checks if rechit energy is above the threshold of ecut (times the sigma noise for the sensor, if that option is set)
sigmaNoise = 0.001 * RecHitCalib.sigmaNoiseMeV(layer, thickIndex) # returns threshold for EE, FH, BH (in case of BH thickIndex does not play a role)
aboveThreshold = energy >= ecut * sigmaNoise # this checks if rechit energy is above the threshold of ecut (times the sigma noise for the sensor, if that option is set)
return sigmaNoise, aboveThreshold

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from __future__ import print_function
import ROOT
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from HGCalImagingAlgo import *
from NtupleDataFormat import HGCalNtuple
from RecHitCalibration import RecHitCalibration

# HGCal Imaging Algo parameters:
dependSensor = True
deltac = [2., 2., 5.] # in cartesian coordiantes in cm, per detector
multiclusterRadii = [2., 5., 5.] # in cartesian coordiantes in cm, per detector
minClusters = 3 # request at least minClusters+1 2D clusters

# cut on energy (also passed to HGCalImagingAlgo):
energyMin = 3 # relative to the noise

# other cuts
clusterAcceptScale = 1.0 # for E_sim vs. E_rec, accept only sim clusters with clusterAcceptScale*clusterRadius

# test only within this layers range:

# range of ntuples to test (will be appended to the inputPath string below):
minNtuple = 11
maxNtuple = 11

# base input and output paths:
inputPath = "../data/_SingleGammaPt100Eta1p6_2p8_PhaseIITDRFall17DR-noPUFEVT_93X_upgrade2023_realistic_v2-v1_GEN-SIM-RECO/NTUP/_SingleGammaPt100Eta1p6_2p8_PhaseIITDRFall17DR-noPUFEVT_93X_upgrade2023_realistic_v2-v1_GEN-SIM-RECO_NTUP_"

outDir = "clusteringResults"

# get pandas mask of hits in given layer
def getLayerMask(hits,layer):
return hits["layer"]==layer

# get pandas mask of hits above noice threshold
def getMaskAboveNoice(hits,ecut):
sigmaNoise = 1.
thickIndex = -1
RecHitCalib = RecHitCalibration()
for hit in hits.itertuples():
if(layer <= 40): # EE + FH
if (thickness > 99. and thickness < 101.): thickIndex = 0
elif(thickness > 199. and thickness < 201.): thickIndex = 1
elif(thickness > 299. and thickness < 301.): thickIndex = 2
else: print("ERROR - silicon thickness has a nonsensical value")
# determine noise for each sensor/subdetector using RecHitCalibration library
sigmaNoise = 0.001 * RecHitCalib.sigmaNoiseMeV(layer, thickIndex) # returns threshold for EE, FH, BH (in case of BH thickIndex does not play a role)
mask.append( >= ecut * sigmaNoise) # checks if rechit energy is above the threshold of ecut (times the sigma noise for the sensor, if that option is set)
return pd.Series(mask)

# groups hits into array of clusters
def getHitsPerCluster(hits, clusters):

noiceMask = getMaskAboveNoice(hits,energyMin)
hitsAboveNoice = hits[noiceMask]

hitsDetIDs = hitsAboveNoice["detid"]
hitsPerCluster = []

for cluster in clusters.itertuples():
clusterToHitID = np.nonzero(np.in1d(hitsDetIDs, cluster.hits))
hitsInThisCluster = hitsAboveNoice.iloc[clusterToHitID[0].tolist()]

return hitsPerCluster

# groups hits associated with hexels into array of clusters
def getRecHitsPerHexel(hits, hexels):
noiceMask = getMaskAboveNoice(hits,energyMin)
hitsAboveNoice = hits[noiceMask]

clusterIndices = []
hexelDetIDs = []

for hexel in hexels:
if hexel.clusterIndex not in clusterIndices:

hitDetIDs = hitsAboveNoice["detid"]
hexelToHitID = np.nonzero(np.in1d(hitDetIDs, hexelDetIDs))

hitsClustered = []

for clusterIndex in range(0,np.max(clusterIndices)+1):
hitsClustered.append(pd.DataFrame(data=None, columns=hitsAboveNoice.columns, index=hitsAboveNoice.index))

for hexelIndex, hexel in enumerate(hexels):
hitIndex = hexelToHitID[0][hexelIndex]
hitsClustered[hexel.clusterIndex].loc[hitsAboveNoice.index[hitIndex]] = hitsAboveNoice.iloc[hitIndex]

for clusterIndex in range(0,np.max(clusterIndices)+1):
hitsClustered[clusterIndex].dropna(subset=["eta"], inplace=True)

return hitsClustered

# get clustered hexels by re-running the clustering algorithm
def getRecClustersFromImagingAlgo(recHitsRaw):
HGCalAlgo = HGCalImagingAlgo(energyMin, deltac, multiclusterRadii, minClusters, dependSensor, verbosityLevel = 0)
clusters2D_rerun = HGCalAlgo.makeClusters(recHitsRaw,energyMin,True) # nested list of "hexels", per layer, per 2D cluster
clusters2DList_rerun = HGCalAlgo.getClusters(clusters2D_rerun, verbosityLevel = 0) # flat list of 2D clusters (as basic clusters)
hexelsClustered_rerun = [iNode for bClust in clusters2DList_rerun for iNode in bClust.thisCluster if not iNode.isHalo] # flat list of clustered "hexeles", without the "halo" hexels
return hexelsClustered_rerun

# check is two circles overlap
def circlesOverlap(x1,y1,r1,x2,y2,r2,scale=1.0):
return (scale*(r1+r2))**2 >= (x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2

# check if point is within a circle
def pointWithinCircle(px,py,x,y,r,scale=1.0):
return (scale*r)**2 >= (px-x)**2 + (py-y)**2

def main():
if not os.path.exists(outDir): os.makedirs(outDir)

for ntupleNumber in range(minNtuple,maxNtuple+1):
print("\nCurrent ntup: ", ntupleNumber)

ntuple = HGCalNtuple(inputPath+"{}.root".format(ntupleNumber));

# start event loop
for event in ntuple:
startEvent = time.time()
eventID = event.entry()
startEvent = time.time()

print("\nCurrent event: ", eventID)

# check if particles reached EE
genParticles = event.genParticles()
skipEvent = False
for particle in genParticles:
if not particle.reachedEE():
# print("particle didn't reach EE -- skipping the event!!")
skipEvent = True
if skipEvent: continue

eventDir = outDir+"/ntup{}/event{}".format(ntupleNumber,eventID)
if not os.path.exists(eventDir): os.makedirs(eventDir)

# get raw rec hits
print("\n\npreparing raw recHits...",end='')
start = time.time()
recHitsRaw = event.getDataFrame("rechit")
end = time.time()
print(" done (",end-start," s)")

# get simulated hits associated with a cluster
print("preparing simulated hits and clusters...",end='')
start = time.time()
simClusters = event.getDataFrame("simcluster")
simHitsPerClusterArray = getHitsPerCluster(recHitsRaw, simClusters)
end = time.time()
print(" done (",end-start," s)")

# re-run clustering with HGCalAlgo, save to file
print("running clustering algorithm...",end='')
start = time.time()
recClusters = getRecClustersFromImagingAlgo(recHitsRaw)
end = time.time()
print(" done (",end-start," s)")

# recClusters -> array of hexel objects
print("looking for hits associated with hexels...",end='')
start = time.time()
recHitsPerClusterArray = getRecHitsPerHexel(recHitsRaw, recClusters)
end = time.time()
print(" done (",end-start," s)")

# perform final analysis, fill in histograms and save to files
print("\nGenerating final hists...")
start = time.time()
energyComparisonHist = ROOT.TH2D("energy comparison","energy comparison",100,0,100,100,0,100)
energyComparisonOverlapHist = ROOT.TH2D("energy comparison overlap.","energy comparison overlap.",100,0,100,100,0,100)

for layer in range(minLayer,maxLayer):
# print("layer:",layer)
for recClusterIndex, recCluster in enumerate(recHitsPerClusterArray):
# print("rec cluster:",recCluster)

recHitsInLayerInCluster = recCluster[getLayerMask(recCluster,layer)]

recEnergy = recHitsInLayerInCluster["energy"].sum()
xMaxRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].max()
xMinRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].min()
yMaxRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].max()
yMinRec = recHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].min()

recClusterX = xMinRec+(xMaxRec-xMinRec)/2.
recClusterY = yMinRec+(yMaxRec-yMinRec)/2.
recClusterR = max((xMaxRec-xMinRec)/2.,(yMaxRec-yMinRec)/2.)

assocSimEnergy = 0

for simClusterIndex, simCluster in enumerate(simHitsPerClusterArray):
# print("sim cluster:",simCluster)

simHitsInLayerInCluster = simCluster[getLayerMask(simCluster,layer)]

simEnergy = simHitsInLayerInCluster["energy"].sum()
xMaxSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].max()
xMinSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["x"].min()
yMaxSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].max()
yMinSim = simHitsInLayerInCluster["y"].min()

simClusterX = xMinSim+(xMaxSim-xMinSim)/2.
simClusterY = yMinSim+(yMaxSim-yMinSim)/2.
simClusterR = max((xMaxSim-xMinSim)/2.,(yMaxSim-yMinSim)/2.)

if recEnergy*simEnergy != 0:
# if circlesOverlap(recClusterX,recClusterY,recClusterR,simClusterX,simClusterY,simClusterR):
# energyComparisonOverlapHist.Fill(recEnergy,simEnergy)

if pointWithinCircle(simClusterX,simClusterY,recClusterX,recClusterY,recClusterR,clusterAcceptScale):
# if circlesOverlap(recClusterX,recClusterY,recClusterR,simClusterX,simClusterY,simClusterR,clusterAcceptScale):
assocSimEnergy += simEnergy

if recEnergy*assocSimEnergy != 0:

end = time.time()
print(" done (",end-start," s)")

endEvent = time.time()
print("Total event processing time: ",endEvent-startEvent," s")

if __name__ == '__main__':


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