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Gym King is a product designed to use gamification to improve motivation with gym settings. Using open source and Augmented Reality (AR), Gym King aims to allow Gyms to issue badges to their users for achieving workout goals and allow them to work up the Gym leaderboard and become the ultimate Gym King.


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Gym King - Codebusters

Gym King is an application designed to give gym goers an extra motivatinal boost. Gym King will allow gym users to improve their workout and earn badges for doing so. The application achieves this using a combination of Artifical Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Open Source Technologies.

Gym King is a collaborative project between the University of Pretoria's COS 301 module team Codebusters and EPI-USE Labs. The Codebusters team members are Robyn Hancock, Jade Peche, Dylan Whiteford, Thivessh Jhugroo and Ryan Broemer. The EPI-USE members are Gianni Volpi, Egor Kharatyan and Marnes Prinsloo.


Coding Standards
User Manual
Architectural Design
Technical Installation Manual
Testing Policy
Project Video

Android APK

Team Codebusters

Robyn Hancock

I am currently studying BSc Information and Knowledge Systems at the University of Pretoria. I was drawn to the field of Information Technology because of how dynamic it is. Whilst there have been times where I felt a little lost when learning new programming languages and concepts, I love a good challenge and learning more about something I enjoy. I believe that the University of Pretoria gives its students a wonderful opportunity to be able to have a small taste of the industry before we dive in headfirst once we graduate, and I look forward to hopefully working with you and your company on this exciting project.

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Dylan Whiteford

I am a BSC-CS student at the University of Pretoria. I was drawn to IT at a young age when my uncle gave me an Arduino, ever since then, I knew I wanted to become a programmer. It is now one of my greatest passions. One of my biggest weaknesses is finding motivation/energy to accomplish tasks/activities that I deem unimportant. On the other hand, when it comes to things I am interested in, such as one of my passions, I develop a borderline obsessive-compulsive desire to excel in the activity. I think this Project could be one of those activities for me and that is why I am so excited to get started. I have a brief background in AR app development as I've completed a few team projects over at bizAR (

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Jade Peche

I am studying BSc Information and Knowledge Systems with software development as my elective group. I enjoy working on user interfaces and my goal is to one day start working in software, app or web development as a frontend developer and designer. I am very disciplined and organised and love learning new programming languages and exploring new technologies. It takes me a bit longer to grasp back-end concepts, but I work very hard to understand them. I am excited to work on this project and learn more about the software development industry.

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Ryan Broemer

I am Ryan Broemer, currently studying at the University of Pretoria. I am studying BSc Information and Knowledge Systems. I have a huge interest in anything related to data science as that is where I would like to find myself one day. I am good with learning new languages and really enjoy data management. I also like database related problems. Sometimes I run into thought issues. I cannot make certain next step decisions myself. Usually wait for my next task or job from our group leader. I believe I can put the knowledge I have learned to the test by hopefully working with you and my team to create an amazing product.

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Thivessh Jhugroo

A student at the University of Pretoria, currently studying for a BSc in Computer Science. I am born South African, hailed from Benoni. I am a creative thinker and a disciplined student, who takes pride in his work with great attention to detail. I can implement good front-end practices and often showcase my profound interest in machine learning and statistics. I might not be too familiar with some of the technologies out there, but I am more than willing to learn and work on my ever-growing knowledge, as this will only help me on my path to becoming a good computer scientist.

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For more information, Click Here


Gym King is a product designed to use gamification to improve motivation with gym settings. Using open source and Augmented Reality (AR), Gym King aims to allow Gyms to issue badges to their users for achieving workout goals and allow them to work up the Gym leaderboard and become the ultimate Gym King.



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