Kinetic Mechanisms for gas, liquid and solid fuels, current version CRECK_2003. All the mechanisms are freely available in CHEMKIN format (compatible with version 3.6.2 and above) and are self-consistent, i.e. they contain smaller subsets and can be coupled together. Please contact us at [email protected] for questions and comments.
The kinetic mechanism are organized according to the reactive-phase:
Homogeneous Gas-Phase mechanisms address compounds reacting in gas-phase (e.g., H2, gasolines, diesels).
For a detailed list of gas-phase kinetic mechanism → Click here.
Mail us for other mechanisms!
Quick choice of gas kinetic mechanism
HT = High-Temperature, LT = Low-Temperature, NOx = sub-module for nitrogen-oxides and ammonia, Soot = sub-module for soot particles- Hydrogen (H2): HT • HT+NOx
- Ammonia (NH3): HT
- Methane (CH4): HT • HT+NOx • HT+SOOT • HT+NOx+SOOT
- Natural Gas/LPG (C1-C4): HT • HT+NOx • HT+SOOT • HT+NOx+SOOT
- Methanol (CH3OH): HT • HT+NOx • HT+SOOT • HT+NOx+SOOT
- Gasoline/Biogasoline → refer to this readme subsection
- Jet-fuels → refer to this readme subsection
- Diesel/Biodiesel/Bio-oil → refer to this readme subsection
Liquid-Phase mechanisms address heavy fuels which decompose before evaporating (Plastics). HFO mechanisms will be published soon
Quick choice of plastics kinetic mechanism
- Polyethylene High-Density (HDPE): semi-detailed • reduced • multi-step
- Polyethylene Low-Density (LDPE): semi-detailed • reduced • multi-step
- Polypropylene (PP): semi-detailed • reduced • multi-step
- Polystyrene (PS): semi-detailed • reduced • multi-step
- Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET): semi-detailed • multi-step
- Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC): semi-detailed
Solid-Phase mechanisms address decomposition of solid fuels (e.g., Biomass, Coal).
Quick choice of solid-phase kinetic mechanism
- Biomass mechanism, accounting also for secondary gas-phase reactions of volatiles.
- Coal mechanism, accounting for detailed release of N and S pollutants and char reactivity. Secondary gas-phase sulphur reactivity will be included in the next releases of the gas-phase mechanism.
Heterogeneous-Surface mechanisms are heterogeneous surface mechanisms (e.g., CVI-CVD**, Char).
Quick choice of surface kinetic mechanism
- Pyrocarbon deposition mechanism, accounting both Chemical Vapour Infiltration and Deposition and methane pyrolysis.
- Biochar oxidation mechanism, accounting for secondary heterogeneous reactions of char obtained from biomass.
The files employ the following extensions (although are text-files with "fake" modifiable extensions):
- gas kinetics are identified either by ".CKI" or ".gas"
- liquid kinetics are identified by ".liquid"
- solid kinetics are identified by ".solid"
- surface kinetics are identified by ".surface"
- thermodynamic files are identified by ".CKT", "thermo", or ".dat"
- transport files are identified by ".tra" or ".TRAN"
Do you need to simulate ideal reactors or laminar 1D flames? Why don't you try the OpenSMOKE++ Suite from CRECK Modeling Lab? The OpenSMOKE++ Suite is a collection of standard solvers for modeling the typical systems of interest in developing and testing detailed kinetic mechanisms (including thousands of species and reactions). The software is user-friendly, fast and free for academic users. Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested.
OpenSMOKE++ is a general framework developed by the CRECK Modeling Lab for numerical simulations of reacting systems with detailed kinetic mechanisms, including thousands of chemical species and reactions. OpenSMOKE++ can handle simulations of ideal reactors, shock-tubes, rapid compression machines, 1D laminar flames and multidimensional reacting systems, and it provides useful numerical tools such as the sensitivity and rate of production analyses. OpenSMOKE++ is distributed in three main packages:
- OpenSMOKE++ Suite: simulation of ideal reactors (batch, plug-flow, perfectly stirred reactors), shock-tubes, rapid compression machines, laminar 1D flames (freely propagating and burner stabilized flames, counter-flow diffusion flames)
- OpenSMOKE++4OpenFOAM: solvers for steady-state and unsteady reacting flows in arbitrarly complex multidimensional geometries with detailed kinetic mechanisms (based on OpenFOAM)
- DoctorSMOKE++: automatic reduction of detailed kinetic mechansims to a skeletal level, to allow their use in large scale CFD simulations.