Exploring the Algorithm and Complexity of the Individual Application Centralized Distribution System in Taiwan's Education System
Our motivation is to improve the waiting time for students during the process of filling out their school preferences and allocation. The current procedure includes completing GSAT(General Scholastic Ability Test), waiting for the results to be announced, submitting preference schools, providing written review materials, waiting for the results of the initial screening, attending interviews with various schools, waiting for the announcement of waitlist results, and finally, allocation. There are long intervals between each step, which can make students feel impatient and restless. Therefore, we hope to implement an algorithm to reduce the waiting time in certain stages.
After the announcement of the results of the second-stage interviews, students will be able to find out if they have been offered a spot in the regular admission or the waitlist. Then, they can submit their preference order for the schools they wish to attend. Once we have obtained the students' preference order, we will first implement a distribution algorithm and then attempt to analyze its complexity to identify if there are any optimization methods available.
Firstly, the immediate benefit of this algorithm is that it allows waitlisted students to know if they have the opportunity to enter their desired schools. This way, they can reduce their disappointment. Additionally, this algorithm can also be applied to other types of allocation scenarios. As long as it involves a many-to-one allocation problem, our algorithm can be utilized effectively.
- 錄取單一校系之錄取生仍須完成就讀志願序登記,正取生確定可分發至該校系;
- 備取生則待該校系正取生分發後之缺額進行遞補分發,若無缺額則不予分發。
- 錄取生如同時錄取多個校系,甄選委員會依其登記就讀志願序進行統一分發
- 如正取校系志願序於備取校系之前,則取其正取校系最優先志願分發;
- 如備取校系志願序於正取校系之前,當該備取校系之正取生分發後尚有缺額時,即進行遞補分發;
- 若該校系分發人數達招生名額,則不予分發至該校系。
- 遇備取名次相同致分發結果超過原招生名額時,則一併增額分發至該校系。
- 增額之名額如屬教育部核定當學年度各系組之新生招生名額者,應由當學年度大學分發入學招生名額調整流用。
- 電資二 110820012 宋典諺
- 電資二 110820040 蔡宇倫
- 電資二 110820058 萬祥瑞
- 電資二 110820059 林于喬
科系代碼 欲錄取人數 1001 2 1002 3 2004 2 2008 4 3009 2 -
准考證號碼 學生姓名 第一志願 正備取01 第二志願 正備取02 第三志願 正備取03 11080002 楊順亦 2004 正 2008 正 1002 備3 11080003 劉雅書 1001 正 1002 正 2008 正 11080004 郭姵紫 2004 備1 3009 正 11080005 陳怡喬 2008 備3 2004 備2 3009 備1 11080006 林宜禾 2008 正 1001 備1 11080007 曹昀志 3009 備2 1002 備2 11080008 李偉昀 3009 正 2004 備3 2008 備2 11080009 陳雅玲 1002 正 2004 正 2008 正 11080010 陳建緯 2008 備4 3009 備3 11080011 毛雲誠 1001 備2 1002 備1 11080012 許俊玲 2008 備1 1002 正 1001 備3 11080013 王梅智 2004 備4 3009 備4 1001 正 11080014 林佳蓉 2004 備5 -
准考證號碼 學生姓名 錄取校名 錄取科系 錄取科系代碼 11080002 楊順亦 清華大學 化學系 2004 11080003 劉雅書 台灣大學 醫學系 1001 11080004 郭姵紫 清華大學 化學系 2004 11080005 陳怡喬 清華大學 數學系 2008 11080006 林宜禾 清華大學 數學系 2008 11080007 曹昀志 政治大學 外交系 3009 11080008 李偉昀 政治大學 外交系 3009 11080009 陳雅玲 台灣大學 電機系 1002 11080010 陳建緯 清華大學 數學系 2008 11080011 毛雲誠 台灣大學 電機系 1002 11080012 許俊玲 清華大學 數學系 2008 11080013 王梅智 台灣大學 醫學系 1001 11080014 林佳蓉 未錄取 未錄取 未錄取