Granite Parchment Shears A two player game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Create a new game and access code, invite a friend and THROW! Enjoy seamless and instantaneous game play.
Created with: React, React Router, SocketIO, Express, PostgreSQL w/ KNEX, Browserify, Skeleton.css
Uses a Menu component that routes to Game component based on access code. -See /client/main.js
- Menu
- Create
- Join
- Game
- Lobby
- BattleContainer
- Player
- Opponent
- Scoreboard
- Banner
- End
- Player 1 creates a game, is given a unique access code
- Player 1 sends the access code to player 2 outside of the game, e.g., text or email
- To join Player 1's game, Player 2 enters the unique access code sent from Player 1
- Game is played as 'best 2 out of 3'
- If players tie, gameplay will continue in current round
- Spectators / more than 2 players in room
- Rematch functionality
- Player Stats
- Implement Gulp
- Edit Name button functionality
- When refreshed inGame, goes to Lobby
- Sockets left open for every game