Releases: Caribou3d/CaribouCartesian
This release comprises parts for CarbouDuet and Caribou MK3s, since many parts are identical. In some sense this would be Rel 1.0 for CaribouCartesian parts. Since this is a major update to the previous version of the MK3s, we keep on counting with Rel. 4 to avoid confusion in case of the MK3s parts.
The firmware for MK3s and configuration¯o files for Duet will be kept in separate folders.
- directory structure: all parts not related to an axis (like PSU, Einsy, Duet, LCD PanelDue) can be found in the "Frame" folder. Since extruders parts and carriage parts depend on the x-axis, they have been moved to the x-axis folder
- boxes for Duet2 (Ethernet / WiFi), Duet3Mini5Plus (Ethernet / WiFi)
- support for chains on x- and y-axis: boxes and covers for Einsy, Duet2, and Duet3Mini5Plus, heat bed cover, x-motorholder, L-bracket. All parts for the "chain upgrade" can be found in the "upgrade/chain" folder and in the full-kit folders
- Caribou extruder (based on Prusa extruder R6)
- x-carriage for LGX + Copperhead
- x-carriage for Prusa extruder R6
- holder and x-carriage for LGX + Mosquito
- slightly angled x-CableHolder
- updated STEP files for 8mm and 10mm
- updated z-TopHolder for 8mm
- "add-ons" contain parts for MMU, spool holder for enclosure, Caribou Tool Holder, and the testcubes
- parts marked with 8 / 10, R /L, B / S (Bondtech / stock extruder) where meaningful
- wider opening for cables on x-carriage back bottom
- added sensor housing and covers for Rel. 2 extruder
- updated STEP files
- updated SLicer backgrounds
Delta cover rebranded, LCD rebranded, Spoolholder 10mm higher, some correction on chamfers of Einsy box, updated STEP file with all new parts
some little updated on Einsy, updated STEP file
new spoolholder, new Einsy box, debranded PSU covers, updated OLED display cover + holders
added folder for OLED parts
new version of heat bed covers
rearranged folders for clarity. Contains full directories for
- 8mm
- 10mm yz
- 10mm xyz
- 8mm
- 10mm version yz
- 10mm version xyz
fully re-designed model
updated files for x-carriage