RGB transitions for CSS Variables
> Terminal
npm install --save cssvartransition
async function transitionRGB(variable, target, seconds = 1000, steps = 10)
- String (Required),
- name of root CSS Variable.
- List of integers (Required),
- [red, green, blue] between 0 - 255.
- Integer,
- milliseconds i.e. 3000 = 3 seconds,
- defaults to 1000.
- Integer,
- number of times the variable is updated during transition,
- ( i.e. 5) lower = more accurate transition, higher ( i.e. 20 ) is smoother,
- defaults to 10.
<!-- /index.html -->
<p>Hello World</p>
/* /Style.css */
:root {
--color-1: 176, 5, 192;
p {
background-color: rgb( var(--color-1) );
// /main.js
import transitionRGB from "cssvartransition";
await transitionRGB( '--color-1', [ 210, 52, 243 ] );