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Use kube-openapi cmd in Make rules
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check in existing API rule violations;
the Make rule fails if generated violation report differs from the
checked-in violation file and prints error message;
add documentation.
  • Loading branch information
roycaihw committed Jul 11, 2018
1 parent 3cd919c commit 3af6061
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Showing 6 changed files with 143 additions and 8 deletions.
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions build/root/Makefile.generated_files
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -402,6 +402,10 @@ $(CONVERSION_GEN): $(
OPENAPI_OUTPUT_PKG := pkg/generated/openapi
KNOWN_VIOLATION_FILENAME := hack/testdata/api-rules/
API_RULE_CHECK_FAILURE_MESSAGE := "Error: API rules check failed. Reported violations \"$(REPORT_FILENAME)\" differ from known violations \"$(KNOWN_VIOLATION_FILENAME)\". Please fix API source file if new violation is detected, or update known violations \"$(KNOWN_VIOLATION_FILENAME)\" if existing violation is being fixed. Please refer to hack/testdata/api-rules/ and for more information about the API rules being enforced."

# The tool used to generate open apis.
OPENAPI_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/openapi-gen
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,14 +438,22 @@ $(foreach dir, $(OPENAPI_DIRS), $(eval \

# How to regenerate open-api code. This emits a single file for all results.
# The Make rule fails if generated API rule violation report differs from the checked-in
# violation file, and prints error message to request developer to fix either the API
# source code, or the known API rule violation file.
./hack/ $(OPENAPI_GEN) \
--logtostderr \
-i $$(echo $(addprefix $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/, $(OPENAPI_DIRS)) | sed 's/ /,/g') \
"$$@"; \

# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE), above.
Expand All @@ -452,8 +464,8 @@ $(OPENAPI_OUTFILE): $(OPENAPI_GEN)
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to "rebuild" it over and over. So we touch
# it, and make is happy.
hack/make-rules/ ./vendor/
hack/make-rules/ ./vendor/
touch $@

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions hack/import-restrictions.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -114,5 +114,6 @@

- baseImportPath: "./vendor/"
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions hack/testdata/api-rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
## Existing API Rule Violations

This folder contains the checked-in report file of known API rule violations.
This report file is used by Make rule during OpenAPI spec generation to make
sure that no new API rule violation is introduced into our code base.

The report file [****](./ is in format of:

* ***API rule violation: \<RULE\>,\<PACKAGE\>,\<TYPE\>,\<FIELD\>***


* ***API rule violation: names_match,,Event,ReportingController***

Make rule returns error when new generated violation report differs from this
checked-in violation report. If new API rule violation is detected, please fix
the API Go source file to pass the API rule check. The entries in the checked-in
violation report should only be removed when existing API rule violation is
being fixed, but not added.

For more information about the API rules being checked, please refer to
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions hack/testdata/api-rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
API rule violation: names_match,,SubjectAccessReviewSpec,Groups
API rule violation: names_match,,AzureDiskVolumeSource,DataDiskURI
API rule violation: names_match,,ContainerStatus,LastTerminationState
API rule violation: names_match,,DaemonEndpoint,Port
API rule violation: names_match,,Event,ReportingController
API rule violation: names_match,,FCVolumeSource,WWIDs
API rule violation: names_match,,GlusterfsVolumeSource,EndpointsName
API rule violation: names_match,,ISCSIPersistentVolumeSource,DiscoveryCHAPAuth
API rule violation: names_match,,ISCSIPersistentVolumeSource,SessionCHAPAuth
API rule violation: names_match,,ISCSIVolumeSource,DiscoveryCHAPAuth
API rule violation: names_match,,ISCSIVolumeSource,SessionCHAPAuth
API rule violation: names_match,,NodeResources,Capacity
API rule violation: names_match,,NodeSpec,DoNotUse_ExternalID
API rule violation: names_match,,PersistentVolumeSource,CephFS
API rule violation: names_match,,PersistentVolumeSource,StorageOS
API rule violation: names_match,,PodSpec,DeprecatedServiceAccount
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDPersistentVolumeSource,CephMonitors
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDPersistentVolumeSource,RBDImage
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDPersistentVolumeSource,RBDPool
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDPersistentVolumeSource,RadosUser
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDVolumeSource,CephMonitors
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDVolumeSource,RBDImage
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDVolumeSource,RBDPool
API rule violation: names_match,,RBDVolumeSource,RadosUser
API rule violation: names_match,,VolumeSource,CephFS
API rule violation: names_match,,VolumeSource,StorageOS
API rule violation: names_match,,CustomMetricCurrentStatus,CurrentValue
API rule violation: names_match,,CustomMetricTarget,TargetValue
API rule violation: names_match,,PodDisruptionBudgetStatus,PodDisruptionsAllowed
API rule violation: names_match,,CustomResourceColumnDefinition,JSONPath
API rule violation: names_match,,JSON,Raw
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaProps,Schema
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaProps,Ref
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrArray,Schema
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrArray,JSONSchemas
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrBool,Allows
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrBool,Schema
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray,Schema
API rule violation: names_match,,JSONSchemaPropsOrStringArray,Property
API rule violation: names_match,,Quantity,i
API rule violation: names_match,,Quantity,d
API rule violation: names_match,,Quantity,s
API rule violation: names_match,,Quantity,Format
API rule violation: names_match,,int64Amount,value
API rule violation: names_match,,int64Amount,scale
API rule violation: names_match,,APIResourceList,APIResources
API rule violation: names_match,,Duration,Duration
API rule violation: names_match,,InternalEvent,Type
API rule violation: names_match,,InternalEvent,Object
API rule violation: names_match,,MicroTime,Time
API rule violation: names_match,,StatusCause,Type
API rule violation: names_match,,Time,Time
API rule violation: names_match,,RawExtension,Raw
API rule violation: names_match,,Unknown,Raw
API rule violation: names_match,,Unknown,ContentEncoding
API rule violation: names_match,,Unknown,ContentType
API rule violation: names_match,,IntOrString,Type
API rule violation: names_match,,IntOrString,IntVal
API rule violation: names_match,,IntOrString,StrVal
API rule violation: names_match,,ClientConnectionConfiguration,KubeConfigFile
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,CloudProvider
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,Debugging
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,GenericComponent
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,KubeCloudShared
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,ServiceController
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudControllerManagerConfiguration,NodeStatusUpdateFrequency
API rule violation: names_match,,CloudProviderConfiguration,Name
API rule violation: names_match,,JobControllerConfiguration,ConcurrentJobSyncs
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,CloudProvider
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,Debugging
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,GenericComponent
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,KubeCloudShared
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,AttachDetachController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,CSRSigningController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,DaemonSetController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,DeploymentController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,DeprecatedController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,EndPointController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,GarbageCollectorController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,HPAController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,JobController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,NamespaceController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,NodeIpamController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,NodeLifecycleController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,PersistentVolumeBinderController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,PodGCController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,ReplicaSetController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,ReplicationController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,ResourceQuotaController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,SAController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeControllerManagerConfiguration,ServiceController
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeletConfiguration,ResolverConfig
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeletConfiguration,IPTablesMasqueradeBit
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeletConfiguration,IPTablesDropBit
API rule violation: names_match,,ClientConnectionConfiguration,KubeConfigFile
API rule violation: names_match,,KubeProxyConfiguration,IPTables
API rule violation: names_match,,MetricValue,WindowSeconds
API rule violation: names_match,,ExternalMetricValue,WindowSeconds
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions hack/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ fi


touch staging/src/
touch vendor/
touch "${STAMP}"
make generated_files >/dev/null
X=($(older openapi "${STAMP}"))
Expand All @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ fi


touch staging/src/
touch vendor/
touch "${STAMP}"
make generated_files >/dev/null
X=($(older openapi "${STAMP}"))
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions pkg/generated/openapi/def.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,15 +38,17 @@ def openapi_library(name, tags, srcs, go_prefix, vendor_prefix = "", openapi_tar
cmd = " ".join([
"cd $$GOPATH/src/" + go_prefix + ";",
"$$ORIG_WD/$(location //vendor/",
"$$ORIG_WD/$(location //vendor/",
"--v 1",
"--go-header-file $$ORIG_WD/$(location //" + vendor_prefix + "hack/boilerplate:boilerplate.go.txt)",
"--output-file-base zz_generated.openapi",
"--output-package " + go_prefix + "pkg/generated/openapi",
"--input-dirs " + ",".join([go_prefix + target for target in openapi_targets] + [go_prefix + "vendor/" + target for target in vendor_targets]),
"&& cp $$GOPATH/src/" + go_prefix + "pkg/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go $$ORIG_WD/$(location :zz_generated.openapi.go)",
"&& rm",
go_deps = deps,
tools = ["//vendor/"],
tools = ["//vendor/"],

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