Visualisation of data through the database of the 'NMVW' and the JavaScript library D3.
This app visualises all of the weapons of the Japanese collection of the database in a bubblechart. The app uses the JavaScript library D3 and the database of the "Nationaal Museum Van Wereldculturen" (NMVW).
Source: Nickelback
To get data from the NMVW database i had to make use of SPARQL. SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language) is a RDF query language that is used to get RDF-based data through queries.
Source: [Wikipedia SPARQL]( › wiki › SPARQL)
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?cho ?placeName ?title ?type WHERE {
<> skos:narrower* ?place .
?place skos:prefLabel ?placeName .
VALUES ?type { "zwaard" "Zwaard" "boog" "Boog" "lans" "Lans" "mes" "knots" "Piek" "vechtketting" "dolk" "bijl" "strijdzeis" }
?cho dct:spatial ?place ;
dc:title ?title ;
dc:type ?type .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?title), "ned") .
This project makes use of Rollup to build the app. If you want to run the app you will have to install Rollup globally like this:
npm install rollup -g
To install the project use npm install.
npm install
To create a development environment use:
npm run dev
To build for production use:
npm run build
Click here to read the proces behind creating this app.
- The NMVW
- D3 - JavaScript library
- Simple Bubble Chart D3 v4 - example
- Tutorial on D3 Basics and Circle Packing (Heirarchical Bubble Charts)
- Clean data assignment
- Martijn Keesmaat voor de motivatie!!! Het kon niet zonder hem
- Marc Kunst voor de SPARQL query