This device reads soil moisture as an analog value and transmits it to the internet via LoRa. Built with Pycom components and programmed in Micropython.
- LoPy 4
- Expansion Board OR Pytrack
- Analog Moisture Sensor
- Pycom Universal IP67 Case
- Pycom Sigfox/LoRa Antenna Kit
- Solid Core Hookup Wire
- LiPo Battery with JST connector
- Sugru
Before use, the firmware on the LoPy 4 and Expansion Board/ Pytrack must be updated to the current version.
To update the firmware on the Expansion Board/Pytrack follow the instructions at the following link
Next, update the firmware on the LoPy 4 follow the instructions at the following link
Pycom offers a plugin for Visual Studio Code called PyMakr which allows for easy development on Pycom devices.
Follow the instructions at the following link to install PyMakr.
A Pycom microcontroller can be connected to in two ways, (1) via USB and (2) via Telnet
Along the bottom of your VSCode Window with PyMakr installed, you will see the following toolbar.
- Run: runs the code in the currently open file once, this code is not saved into flash memory
- Upload: Uploads ALL the code in the current workspace folder to flash memory and runs it. This code will run on the device automatically when it is turned on
- Download: downloads code from device to computer
: shows current version of firmwareos.mkfs('/flash')
: erases flash memory