tm_etl.jar - Transmart ETL tool Contributed by Clarivate (Formerly the IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters)
src folder contains all sources sample_data folder contains sample public datasets from GEO Documentation is available on wiki:
WARNING: Since version 1.0.0 tMDataLoader working with own schema tm_dataloader for PostgreSQL version (it also uses its own user tm_dataloader and you should update you connection string). Since version 1.2.4-96 it also has own schema for Oracle. If you are switching from earlier version be sure you run scripts from sql/postgresql folder and remove controlSchema option from Config file and --alt-control-schema from command line arguments if any. The option still takes effect, but it was intended as hack to avoid tm_cz schema conflicts and you shouldn't worry about it anymore.
Run following command to produce tm_etl.jar from sources:
gradlew deployJar
Gradle will create tm_etl.jar in root directory with all necessary dependencies.
Then, just copy tm_etl.jar to any directory on the server. It can be on the same machine as Transmart or any other one that has direct access to TM_DATALOADER database schema used by tranSMART.
Then, edit Config.groovy file and put it in your ~/.tm_etl directory. Please make sure you edit the configuration file before using the tool.
From sql/oracle/
run following scripts using SQLDeveloper or sqlplus:
As dba:
As tm_dataloader:
From sql/postgres
directory run following commands (you may need to add host/port information or change "postgres" to your database's superuser name):
psql -d transmart -U postgres -f migrations.sql
psql -d transmart -U postgres -f permissions.sql
psql -d transmart -U tm_dataloader -f procedures.sql
You should connect to database with user tm_dataloader
(default password is tm_dataloader
as well, but it is highly recommended to change the default password).
First, you need to put studies you want to upload in the corresponding directory on the machine, that you specified in the configuration file. It should have the following structure (below is just an example):
NEW! Starting with version 0.8, nested folders are supported - see below.
Public Studies <-- put public studies here
Multiple Sclerosis_Baranzini_GSE13732
Multiple Sclerosis_Goertsches_GSE24427
ClinicalDataToUpload <-- both ClinicalData and ClinicalDataToUpload are fine
ExpressionDataToUpload <-- same for this one
MetaDataToUpload <-- same for this one
Internal Studies <-- put internal studies here
_MetaData <-- you can put metadata here if it contains metadata for several studies. Each .txt file will be processed.
Basically, the first level of the directory defines the top category in the Dataset Explorer tree. The last level (before Clinical/Expression folders) defines the study name that will be used in the tree. All folders in between define intermediate folders in the Dataset Explorer tree.
Please, refer to the data format description for further information. Please, don't use Non UTF-8 characters in the headers of file or data values
For more detailed information go to .
To start ETL process, just run the following command:
java -jar tm_etl.jar
You can run it with "-h" option to get a list of all available options:
$ java -jar tm_etl.jar -h
usage: tm_etl [options] [<data_dir>]
--allow-non-unique-columns Allow non-unique column names
in clinical data files
--alt-clinical-proc <proc_name> Name of alternative clinical
stored procedure (expert
--alt-control-schema <schema> Name of alternative control
schema (TM_DATALOADER) - expert option
--always-set-visit-name Add visit name to concept path
even if only one visit found
-c,--config <config> Configuration filename
--data-value-first Put VISIT NAME after the data
value (default behavior, use to
override non-standard config)
--delete-study-by-id <delete_id> Delete study by id
--delete-study-by-path <delete_path> Delete study by path
--force-start Force TM Data Loader start
(even if another instance is
already running)
-h,--help Show usage information
--highlight-clinical-data Highlight studies with clinical
-i,--interactive Interactive (console) mode:
progress bar
-m,--move-study <old_path new_path> Move study
-n,--no-rename Don't rename folders when
-s,--stop-on-fail Stop when upload is failed
--secure-study Make study securable
-t,--use-t Do not use Z datatype for T
expression data (expert option)
-v,--version Display version information and
--visit-name-first Put VISIT_NAME before the data
By default, the configuration file location is ~/.tm_etl/Config.groovy. You can specify the configuration file name using -c option.
If you don't redirect output to the file, you can find -i option useful - it displays progress for some long operations.
IMPORTANT! If your machine doesn't have a direct connection to the internet and requires http proxy, make sure you specify it when running the tool:
$ java -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -jar ./tm_etl.jar
Refer to JVM documentation for more information on these options.
After processing is complete, the study folders and subfolders will be renamed according to the following principle:
- If any component (clinical, expression, etc) failed, that particular folder will be marked with
prefix, e.g._FAIL_ClinicalDataToUpload
- In addition, the entire study folder will be renamed accordingly
- In case of success, folders will be prefixed with
You can disable any study or study component processing by using _DISABLED_
prefix for a folder name.
NB! If you want to add Expression or SNP data to downloaded study you should only load new data to existing study. Loader does not clear all data in study before adding new one, it merges previously loaded data with new samples to avoid duplicates and loss of information.