3.8.0 (2024-07-01)
🚀 Features
accesslogs: support --app argument (d774a74 )
accesslogs: use API v4 and disable add-on support for now (619095d )
activity: add --format json|json-stream|human
option (da23737 ), closes #589
activity: support --app argument (9431f31 )
add a --no-color global option (90a4e10 ), closes #631
addon providers show: add --format json|human
option (23bfac6 ), closes #589
addon providers: add --format json|human
option (9b806a1 ), closes #589
applications: add list subcommand to list all applications (f654588 )
cancel-deploy: support --app argument (4e9d859 )
config: support --app argument (2614111 )
console: open the Console even if no app is linked (111fc51 )
console: support --app argument (7253799 )
delete: support --app argument (7b4d6da )
deploy,restart: handle exit-on option to end deployment logs (f2e1981 )
diag: add --format json|human
option (922515e ), closes #589
domain: support --app argument (19d3f8e )
drain: add --format json|human
option (e0f70c2 ), closes #589
drain: support --app argument (a45f0bd )
env: add --format json|shell|human
option (fcb25ff ), closes #589
env: support --app argument (8b02f0b )
logs: support --app argument (4cb62bf )
notify-email: add --format json|human
option (6cc4e16 ), closes #589
open: support --app argument (3121d0d )
profile: add --format json|human
option (2ce27f2 ), closes #589
published-config: add --format json|shell|human
option (8dd42c9 ), closes #589
published-config: support --app argument (7f68430 )
restart: support --app argument (1ac6074 )
scale: support --app argument (5e89327 )
service: add --format json|human
option (0f23885 ), closes #589
service: support --app argument (0f02f78 )
ssh: support --app argument (c1ef739 )
status: add --format json|human
option (d929587 ), closes #589
status: support --app argument (62428c9 )
stop: support --app argument (7d27b0b )
tcp-redirs list-namespaces: add --format json|human
option (02e9a9d ), closes #589
tcp-redirs: add --format json|human
option (8d14c6e ), closes #589
tcp-redirs: support --app argument (dd0219c )
webhooks: add --format json|human
option (4f0f9ae ), closes #589
🐛 Bug Fixes
addon: add missing --format FORMAT
option (cbe6fef )
drain: wrong link between command option and its processing (fb2bae0 )
remove automatic colors when console.error and console.warn are used (f630c19 ), closes #768
rework --no-update-notifier global option behavior (0acab8b ), closes #649
You can’t perform that action at this time.