Pacemaker 2.1.2 - Release Candidate 1
8271 commits
to 2.1
since this release
Features added since Pacemaker-2.1.1
- build: when built with --with-initdir, Pacemaker uses the value to find
LSB resources (in addition to being where Pacemaker's own
init scripts are installed) - build: cmocka is new dependency for unit tests ("make check")
- rpm: fence_watchdog now comes with pacemaker package (not pacemaker-cli)
- daemons: metadata for cluster options supports OCF 1.1 standard
- executor: nagios warning results now map to OCF "degraded" result code
- fencing: pcmk_delay_base can optionally specify different delays per node
- fencing: pcmk_host_map supports escaped characters such as spaces in values
- resources: HealthIOWait agent supports OCF 1.1 standard, and validate works
- tools: crm_mon shows exit reasons for actions failed due to internal errors
- tools: crm_mon failed action display is more human-friendly by default
- tools: crm_resource --force-* now outputs exit reasons if available
- build: when built with --with-initdir, Pacemaker uses the value to find
Fixes since Pacemaker-2.1.1
- tools: fix crm_mon --hide-headers and related options
(regression introduced in 2.0.4) - attrd: check election status upon node loss to avoid election timeout
- controller: improved handling of executor connection failures
- executor: properly detect systemd unit existence
- pacemakerd: recover properly from Corosync crash
- fencing: fencing results are now sorted with sub-second resolution
- fencing: fix fence_watchdog version output, metadata output, and man page
- tools: map LSB status to OCF correctly with crm_resource --force-check
- tools: fix crm_mon --hide-headers and related options
Public API changes since Pacemaker-2.1.1
- libcrmcommon: deprecate PCMK_OCF_EXEC_ERROR
- libcrmcommon: deprecate PCMK_OCF_PENDING
- libcrmcommon: deprecate PCMK_OCF_SIGNAL
- libcrmcommon: add enum pcmk_exec_status
- libcrmcommon: add PCMK_EXEC_MAX
- libcrmcommon: add PCMK_EXEC_NO_FENCE_DEVICE
- libcrmcommon: add PCMK_EXEC_NO_SECRETS
- libcrmcommon: add pcmk_exec_status_str()
- libcrmcommon: add pcmk_rc2ocf()
- libcrmcommon: deprecate PCMK_OCF_TIMEOUT
- libcrmservice: add services_result2ocf()
- libcrmservice: deprecate enum op_status
- libcrmservice: deprecate LSB_ROOT_DIR
- libcrmservice: deprecate NAGIOS_NOT_INSTALLED
- libcrmservice: deprecate NAGIOS_STATE_DEPENDENT
- libcrmservice: deprecate services_get_ocf_exitcode()
- libcrmservice: deprecate services_list() and services_action_create()
- libcrmservice: deprecate services_lrm_status_str()
- libpacemaker: add enum pcmk_sim_flags
- libpacemaker: add pcmk_injections_t
- libpacemaker: add pcmk_free_injections()
- libpacemaker: add pcmk_simulate()