Welcome to Code of DEVSOC'25 Landing, your one-stop destination for all information regarding our 48-hour hackathon. From prize pools to tracks, sponsors to timelines, everything you need to know is conveniently located on this website.
https://devsoc25.codechefvit.com /
To get started, fork your own copy and clone the master branch. To clone a branch you can run the following:
git clone -b master https://github.com/CodeChefVIT/devsoc-landing-25.git
Run these commands on your bash/terminal and open it in a code editor of your choice.
Run the following to install all the dependencies:
pnpm i
To start your development server run:
pnpm dev
- DEVSOC'25 Portal: https://github.com/CodeChefVIT/devsoc-portal-25
- DEVSOC'25 Admin: https://github.com/CodeChefVIT/devsoc-admin-25
- DEVSOC'25 Backend: https://github.com/CodeChefVIT/devsoc-be-25
Abhinav Ganeshan |
Ritika Anoop |
Sanjay J K |
Nishant Gupta |
Vaibhav Jangid |
Utkarsh |
Harshit Sarma |
Samya Mehta |
Yashita Puri |
Dhruv Chopra |
Heet Jatania |
Made with β€οΈ by CodeChef-VIT