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  • Google Map Boundary File (boundary.kml)
  • Environment Values File (.env)
  • Check Directory Structure
├── Dockerfile
├── package.json
├── data
│   ├── img
│   └── map
│       └── boundary.kml
├── src
│   ├── clue.js
│   ├── config_production.json
│   ├── config_staging.json
│   ├── db.js
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── member.js
│   ├── mission.js
│   ├── pack.js
│   ├── report.js
│   └── tool.js
└── server-log


Install Depencency

path_to_project $ npm install

Running Unit test

Setup ./src/config_staging.json

path_to_project $ npm test


Start server

Setup ./src/config_production.json

git clone
cd RunRRR
npm install
npm start

Deploy as docker

docker build -t runrrr-backend .
docker run runrrr-backend

Directory Structure


Source code of the project.

  • main.js : RESTful API Reqest Handler
  • object.js: Object definition of each object, such as member, mission etc.


Image and other related data used in game.

  • img/ : Mission Report photo images, Tools images, etc.
  • map/boundary.kml : Google Map Boundary File


Dumped logs while backend-server is running.

API URL (temporarily)

Call the API with URL when you're at EECS822.
URL : OURPATH/api/v1/object/action

API Return Template

The API will return in JSON format. Every return JSON should include the following 4 entries.

  • uid: The unique id of target user
  • object: Object type of target object, which is same as api path
  • action: Action to the target object, which is same as api path
  • brea: Status code, 0 is correct.

An alternative payload is sent back if there's some query information.

  • payload: The return information of target object

In some read api, if not designate id, it will return a list of items.

Payload foramt

There are always 2 entries in payload.

  • type: Type of payload, either Attribute Name or Objects
  • attribute name: Value of corresponding attribute name, where attribute name can be status, mid, tid etc. Only exists when type be Attribute Name.
  • Objects: Whole objects attributes key/value pair.


No payload return

Return JSON of /api/v1/member/callhelp

  "uid": 86,
  "object": "member",
  "action": "callhelp",
  "brea": 0

Single value payload return

Return JSON of /api/v1/report/create

  "uid": 34,
  "object": "report",
  "action": "create",
  "brea": 0,
        "type": "Attribute Name",
        "rid": 16

Object payload return

Return JSON of /api/v1/mission/read(requesting mid 12)

  "uid": 34,
  "object": "report",
  "action": "create",
  "brea": 0,
        "type": "Objects",
        "objects": [
                            "mid": 12,
                            "title": "證人救出",
                            "content": "證人Jacky快要被黑暗組織逮捕啦!! 快去湖心亭將Jacky帶回總部 blah blah blah",
                            "time_start": "14:03",
                            "time_end": "14:23",
                            "price": 1500,
                            "clue": 8,
                            "class": "MAIN",
                            "score": 20,
                            "location_e": 120.995106,
                            "location_n": 24.794090

Object list payload return

Return JSON of /api/v1/mission/read (No designate mid

  "uid": 34,
  "object": "report",
  "action": "create",
  "brea": 0,
        "type": "Objects",
        "objects": [
                            "mid": 12,
                            "title": "證人救出",
                            "content": "證人Jacky快要被黑暗組織逮捕啦!! 快去湖心亭將Jacky帶回總部 blah blah blah",
                            "time_start": "14:03",
                            "time_end": "14:23",
                            "price": 1500,
                            "clue": 8,
                            "class": "MAIN",
                            "score": 20,
                            "location_e": 120.995106,
                            "location_n": 24.794090
                            "mid": 15,
                            "title": "抓住證人",
                            "content": "證人Jacky發瘋了! 找到他將他制伏",
                            "time_start": "14:15",
                            "time_end": "14:30",
                            "price": 1100,
                            "clue": 10,
                            "class": "SUB",
                            "score": 10,
                            "location_e": 0,
                            "location_n": 0