In this repository we will explain how you can create a development workflow using docker. This is motivated by the fact that developing code that is based on FEniCS can be challenging. Since many libraries and third-party package depends on specific versions of FEniCS there is a need for good and efficient workflows that circumvent these issues.
Most of the examples are based on FEniCS version 2017.2. This version of FEniCS is recommended for all use in ComPhy, and works well with the pulse heart mechanics solver, cbcbeat for electrophysiology, and a stable version of dolfin-adjoint.
There are several examples, tailored to different needs. Most of them install either pulse or cbcbeat, and there are different versions depending on whether you want to develop these tools or simply install and use them in your own simulators. The examples can easily be extended with other tools by editing the docker files.
All the examples included directly in this main folder are tested and should work. The sub-folder sandbox contains more experimental tools that are not fully functional.
A limitation of working in docker is that you work inside a virtual machine that is not able to open windows on your host system. This probably requires some adjustments to your workflow, but it is easy to get used to. Two standard approach used in most of the examples is that all code you want to edit is shared from the host OS into the docker machine. With this approach you edit all code using your usual editor, and run the code inside the docker machine just as in a standard terminal. Since the docker machine cannot open windows, all visualization must be done separately as a post-processing step, and run on the host computer. An alternative approach is to run a Jupyter notebook on the docker machine, and edit the notebook through a browser running on the host.
You need docker.
In the following we will give two examples of possible workflows
In this example we will be using FEniCS version 2017.2 together with pulse which is a package for solving problems in cardiac mechanics. You will find all the relevant source files in the folder called example_1.
We want to use this to develop a solver to simulate passive inflation and active contraction of an idealized ventricle. For simplicity, our goal is to run demo in the pulse repository called simple ellipsoid.
A Dockerfile is file that contains all the instructions for building a docker image. There is a lot to say about this file, so the interested reader can read more about it in the official documentation. Our Dockerfile is show below
# example_1/Dockerfile
RUN git clone pulse && \
cd pulse && \
pip3 install -r requirements.txt && \
pip3 install .
There are basically two instructions. The first one specifies that we want to use fenics version 2017.2.0, and the seconds one clones the pulse repository and installs it and its dependencies using pip.
Now that we have the Dockerfile we can build a new image that we will
call example_1
docker build -t example_1 .
This will take a while the first time because you need to download the fenics image. Once it is done you can list the available images by typing
$ docker images
docker images
example_1 latest a16f0d62da1f 9 minutes ago 2.5GB
Next we need to create a container, which is a running instance of an image. We also want to be able to share a folder on our computer with the container, so that it is easy to share files between the container and you machine. To start the container do
docker run -ti --name example-1 -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared example_1
Here we have given a name example-1
to the container and we have
mounted the current working directory pwd
into the path
inside the container.
When you enter the container, and go to /home/fenics/shared
you will
find the files in the same directory as you where in when you ran the
docker run
command. Note that you can edit the files on your computer
as you would have if you where working in the same directory.
Try to run the demo in /home/fenics/shared/
cd /home/fenics/shared
When it is done you will see a figure called simple_ellipsoid.png
appear in the folder
When you are done working you can type
inside the container. This will bring you back to your local machine.
You can now see that you have a container that has been exited by
typing docker ps -a
$ docker ps -a
be0a9e4afb63 example_1 "/sbin/my_init --qui…" 10 minutes ago Exited (0) 8 minutes ago example-1
When you are ready to work inside the container again, you need to start it
docker start example-1
and the you need to execute a new process so that we can enter the
container again. We will start a bash
shell and we will there run
the following command
docker exec -ti -u fenics example-1 /bin/bash -l
The -l
is needed because we want this process to act as a login
shell. We also want to use the user
fenics and therefore provide the
-u fenics
argument. If user
is not provided you will be logged in
as root which is generally not good practice.
Now go back to Step 4 and repeat.
You will notice that these images and container takes up a lot of space so it is generally a good idea to delete images and containers that are not used any more.
To delete a container do
docker rm CONTAINER_ID
can be found in the first column when you type
docker -ps -a
. If you want to delete all container you can do
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
To delete an image you do
docker rmi IMAGE_ID
can be found in the first column when you type
docker images -a
. If you want to delete all container you can do
docker rmi $(docker images -aq)
In this example we will be running the same code and using allmost the same commands as in Example 1. The only difference is that we will be using Jupyter notebooks for development. If you are interested in more details you can check out the documentation in the FEniCS container docs.
The source files for this example can be found in example_1_notebook.
The FEniCS docker image allready comes with jupyter installed so we can use the same image as in example 1
Sice we want to run a notebook inside the container, and be able to acess it in the browser on our host computer we need to redirect the port where we run the notebook inside the container to a port that we can access at our host. The command we will run is as follows:
docker run --name example-1-notebook -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -d -p example_1 'jupyter-notebook --ip='
This will start the container and run the jupter notebook command directly. Note that you will not be entering a bash shell like you did in Example 1. You can inspect the log inside the container by typing
docker logs example-1-notebook
The output on mine is
$ docker logs exmample-1-notebook
[I 09:50:21.939 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /home/fenics/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/fenics
[I 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp]
[I 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[W 09:50:22.435 NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.
[C 09:50:22.436 NotebookApp]
Open you browser and go to http://localhost:8888/.
This will ask you for a token. In the log you will find the token. In
my case this is 9c20697181852bdee7b5da928662e7c87824c4b71f0e0f13
. If
you paste that in and click Log in, then that should redirect you to
the Files in your container. Go to shared
and open
Note that you can make the notebook go the the shared
directly by passing the argument -w /home/fenics/shared
to the
docker run command.
If you are done working you can simply stop the container (docker stop example-1-notebook
) and when you
want to start working agains you can just start it again (docker start example-1-notebook
In this example will install and run an example using
which is a framework for doing data assimilation of cardiac mechanics
and is based on pulse from Example 1. Check out the code in
example_2 and follow the same steps as in Example 1.
Note that in this example we will be using a base image with
dolfin-adjoint. Furthermore,
since python2 is default we need to also update dolfin-adjoint so that
we use python3 instead.
In this example we will be solving the Mondomain model using CBCBeat. We will use a custom cellular model from the CellML model repository, and convert it to a format that CBCBeat can use using gotran. All source files are availble in example_3
Also here we will be using the dolfin-adjoint 2017.2 image as
base. Futhermore, we will install a fork of
cbcbeat which contains some
fixes and which is compatible with the latest version of
gotran. Finally we will install gotran
which is available at
Build docker image
docker build -t example_3 .
and start a container interatively
docker run -ti --name example-3 -w /home/fenics/shared -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared example_3
We will use the Tentussher model for midmyocardial cells from 2004 which can be downlaod by typing the following command inside the container
This is a file in .cellml
format. We start by converting it to an
file that is the format that gotran
uses to declare ODEs
cellml2gotran tentusscher_noble_noble_panfilov_2004_a.cellml
This will generate a new file called tentusscher_2004_mcell.ode
Let us generate two more files which we will use later, type
gotran2py tentusscher_2004_mcell.ode --output cell_model_python
gotran2beat tentusscher_2004_mcell.ode --output cell_model_cbcbeat
Open a new terminal window, and start another container that will run jupyter notebook
docker run --name example-3-notebook -w /home/fenics/shared -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -d -p example_3 'jupyter-notebook --ip='
Login (see Example 1 notebook) and run the notebook called
to see the cell model in action.
If get an error similar to this one
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/example-1" is already in use by container "be0a9e4afb6330183bdc352778c330f39cc397893dc2074acb2c14a15d306003". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
then you are likely trying to start a container that is allready running. To fix this you can simply stop the container. In my case this means to run the command
docker stop example-1
First of all, the best way to improve your workflow is to trry out
different things and reading the official docker
Also for each docker command you can list all the availbe options by
passing the --help
flag, i.e docker run --help
The FEniCS community has alse made a very nice resource on how to use docker as a part of your workflow.