This repo is for Functional PTM Predictions(cDL-FuncPhos) and Phosphorylation/Acetylation/Ubiquitination(cDL-PAU) Predictions
To predict Functional-PTM site(cDL-FuncPhos) or Phosphorylation/Acetylation/Ubiquitination PTM site(cDL-PAU) using deep learning method.
- Datasets: All datasets.
- Evaluation_Indicators: evaluation index functions.
- fig: plotting ROC curves.
- src: genarating data, traing or predicting model codes.
Installation and running has been tested in Ubuntu 18.04.4 LST with python 3.7.7.
- python = 3.7.7
- numpy = 1.18.5
- Keras = 2.4.3
- Tensorflow = 2.2.0
- pip install python==3.7.7
- pip install numpy==1.18.5
- pip install keras==2.4.3
- pip install tensorflow==2.2.0
To predict Functional PTM site using all(seq+str+dyn) features, run the following command:
python ./src/
To predict Phosphorylation/Acetylation/Ubiquitination PTM site using all(seq+str+dyn) features, run the following command:
python ./src/
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 license.