The Reactive Herald is a web applitcation made to function as a online news room. Users can browse short snippets of articles for free or can pay for a subscription to see full articles. Journalists can log on to create their articles and attach an image, which is stored on amazon web services. An article is not publically displayed until it is published by a publisher. Articles are grouped by category and the application's displayed language can be switched between swedish and english if the visitor/user desires.
- Ruby 2.5.1
- Rails 6.0.2
- will_paginate 3.1.0
- devise_token_auth
- pundit
- stripe-rails
- globalize
$ git clone
$ cd the_reactive_herald_API
Install Rspec and dependencies
$ bundle
In console: Run Rspec
$ rspec
Head to the deployed address listed above, or your local host with frontend running, and have a look around.
Log in as various roles on deployed site to check functionality;
email: [email protected]
pass: password
email: [email protected]
pass: password
Journalist: email: [email protected] pass: password
Or create your own account.
Further styling and functionality.
Created under the MIT License.