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A semantic-release plugin to update version for multi-lingual mono repository structure.

Step Description
verifyConditions Verifies the plugin configuration.
prepare Update the version in main package as well as dependencies in files based on type. Updates version in package.json file for yarn and npm types, pom.xml for maven type


$ npm install  -D


The plugin can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

  "plugins": [



Options Description Default
type Package manager type for the project. Supported types: yarn, npm, maven, yarn-berry yarn
pkgRoot Mandatory. Project root folder. Can be absolute or relative to the main project.
Note: The pkgRoot directory must contain a package.json for yarn or npm project and a pom.xml for maven project.

Supported package types

At the moment, updating version is supported only for yarn, npm and maven projects.


Example: Multi-lingual Project with Dependencies in Separate Workspaces

For a project with dependencies implemented in different programming languages, you can use the following example to create the plugin configuration.

The project structure consists of a web application as the main project, with a release.config.js file at its root for semantic-release configuration. The dependencies projects, api and common, are located in the backend/java folder and web-api is located in the backend/node folder. When semantic release is triggered from the webapp project, the versions of all the packages - webapp, api,common, and web-api - will be updated to the next version.

Repository structure

 |--- main.css
 |-- index.html

The pluginConfig when semantic release is run from webapp project

  "type": "yarn",
  "dependencies": [
      "pkgRoot": "../backend/java/api",
      "type": "maven"
      "pkgRoot": "../backend/java/common",
      "type": "maven"
      "pkgRoot": "../backend/node/web-api",
      "type": "npm"

Important : If the main project is maven, ensure to install semantic-release and other plugins globally.

$ npm install -g semantic-release

For the project structure as below, add the semantic-release configuration file and run semantic-release from the project root folder


the pluginConfiguration in release.config.js is

            "pkgRoot": "../common",
            "type": "maven"

For projects with yarn >1.22.22, use the type yarn-berry

  "type": "yarn-berry"