It's a pretty simple project. We use an ESP8266 to fetch time from an NTP server, and two Neopixel Rings ( 12 LED and 24 LEDs) To show minutes and hours.
Feature List
Shows AM and PM by Color of LED's on 3,6,9,12 positions ( AM is yellow because the Sun is yellow, PM is white because the Moon is white)
Hours is green in color, Minutes is Blue.
Exposes Webpage and AP for configuration of Wifi credentials, timezone setup.
- Allow turning off the clock from webpage( ESP remains on, Neopixels are turned off)
- Color choice from webpage for Hours and Minutes
- Better Case
- A Stand
#Parts List
1× ESP8266-01
1 × LM1117-3.3
1× Neopixel Ring- 12 LEDs
1× Neopixel Ring- 24 LEDs
1× TPA4056 Li-ion Battery Charger Module
1× 2200mAH Flat Li-ion Battery