Game programming framework for FreeBASIC and FreePascal using SDL2
- All rendering is based on SDL2 which gives us on most platforms hardware accelerated graphics
- Programming can be done with Free Pascal 3.2.0 or FreeBASIC 1.07.1 and newer
- There is also a custom Lua interpreter with all Pulsar2D features (Windows and Linux, maybe more platforms in the future)
- Simple animation system
- Simple particles system
- Use (almost) any pixel font
- Multiple windows support
- A lot of built-in functions gives you access to graphics, sound and input.
- Crossplatform development for Windows and Linux (and other operating systems supporting SDL2 and/or FreeBASIC/Free Pascal)
- It is 100% free and licensed under the zlib/MIT license, so you can use it for any purposes even for commercial ones.