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Unofficial Anthropic Claude API client for .NET.


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Unofficial Anthropic Claude API client for .NET.

We have built a C# API similar to the official Python SDK and TypeScript SDK. It supports netstandard2.1, net6.0, and net8.0. If you want to use it in Unity, please reference it from NuGetForUnity.


This library is distributed via NuGet, supporting .NET Standard 2.1, .NET 6(.NET 7) and .NET 8 or above.

PM> Install-Package Claudia


For details about the API, please check the official API reference.

using Claudia;

var anthropic = new Anthropic
    ApiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") // This is the default and can be omitted

var message = await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229", // you can use Claudia.Models.Claude3Opus string constant
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }]


Streaming Messages

We provide support for streaming responses using Server Sent Events (SSE).

using Claudia;

var anthropic = new Anthropic();

var stream = anthropic.Messages.CreateStreamAsync(new()
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229",
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }]

await foreach (var messageStreamEvent in stream)

If you need to cancel a stream, you can pass the CancellationToken to CreateStreamAsync.

Types of MessageStreamEvents are here IMessageStreamEvent.

For example, outputs the text results.

await foreach (var messageStreamEvent in stream)
    if (messageStreamEvent is ContentBlockDelta content)

Request & Response types

This library includes C# definitions for all request params and response fields. You may import and use them like so:

using Claudia;

var request = new MessageRequest()
    Model = Models.Claude3Opus,
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = Roles.User, Content = "Hello, Claude" }]

Documentation for each method, request param, and response field are available in docstrings and will appear on hover in most modern editors.

All of MessageRequest definitions are here MessageRequest.cs and MessageResponse definitions are here MessageResponse.cs.

Also, commonly used constants are defined. For example, Models.Claude3Opus is claude-3-opus-20240229, and constants like Roles.User and Roles.Assistant are used for roles like "user" and "assistant". Please refer to Constant.cs for all the constants. In addition, the system prompt used in Claude's official chat UI is defined as SystemPrompts.Claude3.

Counting Tokens

You can see the exact usage for a given request through the usage response property, e.g.

var message = await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(...)

// Usage { InputTokens = 11, OutputTokens = 18 }

Streaming Helpers

By integrating with R3, the new Reactive Extensions library, it becomes possible to handle Streaming Events in various ways.

// convert to array.
var array = await stream.ToObservable().ToArrayAsync();

// filterling and execute.
await stream.ToObservable()
    .OfType<IMessageStreamEvent, ContentBlockDelta>()
    .Where(x => x.Delta.Text != null)
    .ForEachAsync(x =>

// branching query
var branch = stream.ToObservable().Publish();

var messageStartTask = branch.OfType<IMessageStreamEvent, MessageStart>().FirstAsync();
var messageDeltaTask = branch.OfType<IMessageStreamEvent, MessageDelta>().FirstAsync();

branch.Connect(); // start consume stream

Console.WriteLine((await messageStartTask));
Console.WriteLine((await messageDeltaTask));

// Sum Usage
var totalUsage = await stream.ToObservable()
    .Where(x => x is MessageStart or MessageDelta)
    .Select(x => x switch
        MessageStart ms => ms.Message.Usage,
        MessageDelta delta => delta.Usage,
        _ => throw new ArgumentException()
    .AggregateAsync((x, y) => new Usage { InputTokens = x.InputTokens + y.InputTokens, OutputTokens = x.OutputTokens + y.OutputTokens });


Handling errors

When the library is unable to connect to the API, or if the API returns a non-success status code (i.e., 4xx or 5xx response), a subclass of ClaudiaException will be thrown:

    var msg = await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
        Model = Models.Claude3Opus,
        MaxTokens = 1024,
        Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }]
catch (ClaudiaException ex)
    Console.WriteLine((int)ex.Status); // 400(ErrorCode.InvalidRequestError)
    Console.WriteLine(ex.Name);        // invalid_request_error
    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);     // Field required. Input:...

Error codes are as followed:

public enum ErrorCode
    /// <summary>There was an issue with the format or content of your request.</summary>
    InvalidRequestError = 400,
    /// <summary>There's an issue with your API key.</summary>
    AuthenticationError = 401,
    /// <summary>Your API key does not have permission to use the specified resource.</summary>
    PermissionError = 403,
    /// <summary>The requested resource was not found.</summary>
    NotFoundError = 404,
    /// <summary>Your account has hit a rate limit.</summary>
    RateLimitError = 429,
    /// <summary>An unexpected error has occurred internal to Anthropic's systems.</summary>
    ApiError = 500,
    /// <summary>Anthropic's API is temporarily overloaded.</summary>
    OverloadedError = 529


Certain errors will be automatically retried 2 times by default, with a short exponential backoff. Connection errors (for example, due to a network connectivity problem), 408 Request Timeout, 409 Conflict, 429 Rate Limit, and >=500 Internal errors will all be retried by default.

You can use the MaxRetries option to configure or disable this:

// Configure the default for all requests:
var anthropic = new Anthropic
    MaxRetries = 0, // default is 2

// Or, configure per-request:
await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }],
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229"
}, new()
    MaxRetries = 5


Requests time out after 10 minutes by default. You can configure this with a Timeout option:

// Configure the default for all requests:
var anthropic = new Anthropic
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) // 20 seconds (default is 10 minutes)

// Override per-request:
await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }],
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229"
}, new()
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

On timeout, an TimeoutException is thrown.

Note that requests which time out will be retried twice by default.

Default Headers

We automatically send the anthropic-version header set to 2023-06-01.

If you need to, you can override it by setting default headers on a per-request basis.

Be aware that doing so may result in incorrect types and other unexpected or undefined behavior in the SDK.

await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new() { Role = "user", Content = "Hello, Claude" }],
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229"
}, new()
    Headers = new() { { "anthropic-version", "My-Custom-Value" } }

Customizing the HttpClient

The Anthropic client uses a standard HttpClient by default for communication. If you want to customize the behavior of the HttpClient, pass an HttpMessageHandler. Additionally, if you don't want to dispose the HttpClient when disposing the Anthropic client, you can set the disposeHandler flag to false.

public class Anthropic : IDisposable
    public HttpClient HttpClient => httpClient;

    public Anthropic()
        : this(new HttpClientHandler(), true)

    public Anthropic(HttpMessageHandler handler)
        : this(handler, true)

    public Anthropic(HttpMessageHandler handler, bool disposeHandler)
        this.httpClient = new HttpClient(handler, disposeHandler);
        this.httpClient.Timeout = System.Threading.Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan; // Timeout is ignored, Anthropic client uses timeout settings from Timeout(or override per request) property

    public void Dispose()

Furthermore, you can retrieve the HttpClient used for requests via the HttpClient property. This allows you to modify settings such as DefaultRequestHeaders.

// disable keep-alive
anthropic.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.ConnectionClose = true;

You can change the HttpClient.BaseAddress to change the API address(e.g., for proxies).

// request to http://myproxy/messages instead of
anthropic.HttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://myproxy/");

Upload File

Message.Content accepts multiple Content objects. However, if a single string is passed, it is automatically converted into an array of text.

// this code
Content = "Hello, Claude"
// is convert to following
Content = new Content
    Type = "text",
    Text = "Hello, Claude"

When passing an image, set both the image and Text in the Content.

var imageBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"dish.jpg");

var anthropic = new Anthropic();
var message = await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    Model = "claude-3-opus-20240229",
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new()
        Role = "user",
        Content = [
                Type = "image",
                Source = new()
                    Type = "base64",
                    MediaType = "image/jpeg",
                    Data = imageBytes
                Type = "text",
                Text = "Describe this image."

The above code can be simplified. If a string is passed to the Content constructor, it is set as text, and if ReadOnlyMemory<byte> is passed, it is set as an image.

var message = await anthropic.Messages.CreateAsync(new()
    Model = Models.Claude3Opus,
    MaxTokens = 1024,
    Messages = [new()
        Role = Roles.User,
        Content = [
            new(imageBytes, "image/jpeg"),
            new("Describe this image.")

Blazor Sample



This library is under the MIT License.