Rawrepo dump tool is a command line tool for dumping all records for one or more agencies in the rawrepo database.
$ curl -sL http://mavenrepo.dbc.dk/content/repositories/releases/dk/dbc/rawrepo-dump-tool/1.0.7/rawrepo-dump-tool-1.0.7.jar -o rrdump.jar && unzip -op rrdump.jar rrdump.sh | bash -s -- --install
$ source ~/.bashrc # Or log out and into a new session
Keep the installation up-to-date using the selfupdate action
rrdump --selfupdate
usage: rrdump [-h] [-m {RAW,MERGED,EXPANDED}] [-f {LINE,XML,JSON,ISO,LINE_XML}] [-e ENCODING] [-s {ACTIVE,ALL,DELETED}] [-t TYPE [TYPE ...]] [-cf CREATED_FROM] [-ct CREATED_TO] [-mf MODIFIED_FROM] [-mt MODIFIED_TO] -u URL -o FILE [--dryrun] (--all | -a AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...] | -r RECORDS)
Dumps one or more libraries from rawrepo.
Support output in multiple formats and encodings.
For more examples see https://github.com/DBCDK/rawrepo-dump-tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--all Indicates every records should be dumped. Caution: Can be very slow
Note that --all | -a AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...] | -r RECORDS are mutually exclusive. Only one method can be chosen
-a AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...], --agencies AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...]
List of agencies to dump.
Note that --all | -a AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...] | -r RECORDS are mutually exclusive. Only one method can be chosen
Usage example: -a 870970 870971 870979
-r RECORDS, --records RECORDS
Name of file containing record ids. Format is line separated bibliographicrecordid:agencyid.
Note that --all | -a AGENCY_ID [AGENCY_ID ...] | -r RECORDS are mutually exclusive. Only one method can be chosen
Usage example: -r my_records.txt
Example of file content:
Mode of the records.
Defaults to MERGED.
Be aware that choosing EXPANDED takes at least 10 times longer than MERGED
Output format.
Defaults to LINE.
XML outputs a marcxchange collection.
LINE_XML outputs a marcxchange record per line without collection.
-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
Output character set.
eg. LATIN1, UTF-8, and more.
Defaults to UTF-8.
Status of the records to dump.
ACTIVE = active records only,
ALL = both active and deleted records,
DELETED = only deleted records.
Defaults to ACTIVE
-t TYPE [TYPE ...], --type TYPE [TYPE ...]
(Only relevant for FBS agencies - only applicable in agency mode) List of record type of FBS records.
LOCAL = local records owned by the agency,
ENRICHMENT = enrichments for the agency,
HOLDINGS = records which the agency has holdings on.
Note that if HOLDINGS is selected the output might include local
and enrichment records if there happen to be holdings on them.
Mandatory when dumping FBS agency, otherwise ignored.
-cf CREATED_FROM, --created-from CREATED_FROM
Earliest database creation date (optional).
Format is either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'.
Only applicable in agency mode
Usage example: -cf 2019-03-06 10:12:42
-ct CREATED_TO, --created-to CREATED_TO
Latest database creation date (optional).
Format is either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'.
Only applicable in agency mode
Usage example: -ct 2019-03-06 10:12:42
-mf MODIFIED_FROM, --modified-from MODIFIED_FROM
Earliest database modification date (optional).
Format is either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'.
Only applicable in agency mode
Usage example: -mf 2019-03-06 10:12:42
-mt MODIFIED_TO, --modified-to MODIFIED_TO
Latest database modification date (optional).
Format is either 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'.
Only applicable in agency mode
Usage example: -mt 2019-03-06 10:12:42
-u URL, --url URL The URL of the record service.
Usage example: -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk
-o FILE, --file FILE The name which the dump should be written to
Usage example: -o 870970.lin
--dryrun Dryrun is used for getting the amount of records that will be exported on a normal run.
- All
rrdump --all -t LOCAL ENRICHMENT -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk -o fbstest-all.txt
- Agencies
rrdump -a 710100 -e UTF-8 -f LINE -t HOLDINGS -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk -o 710100_holdings.lin
rrdump -a 870970 -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk -o 870970.lin
rrdump -a 870979 -f JSON -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk -o 870979.json
- Records
rrdump -r ids.txt -o records.txt -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk
rrdump -r ids.txt -f JSON -o records.json -u http://rawrepo-record-service.fbstest.svc.cloud.dbc.dk
where ids.txt e.g. contains