a Linux Web based remote display for any browser. Shows information of the Amsat Up- and Donconverters
any linux pc and a serial/USB converter with 3.3v level (do NOT use a normal RS-232 USB/serial converter). runs on PCs or single board computers (i.e. raspberry, odroid and many others).
- read data from Amsat boards
- fill into a web site
- deliver this website to any bowser using a local apache webserver installation
- Amsat-DL Downconverter V3d
- Amsat-DL Upconverter V2.4 and the
- (Amsat-DL DATV-PA-Controller, until now only one system exists at the Antarctis Station. I don't know if this will be a public board. If this board is used then the baudrate must be changed to 115200, see serial.c)
1) install apache and php. You can use the script "prepare_apache" to do this.
If php is not found then try php7 or similar.
2) download (clone) all file to a new directory
3) personalize the display, see "personalization"
4) identify the serial-USB adapter, see "serialUSB"
5) to compile the software enter:
6) to install this software enter:
sudo make install
this copies the web site files into the webserver directory
open the file amsatdisplay.html (in the html folder) with a text editor. Go to the end of the file and look for my callsign: DJ0ABR. Replace it with your own callsign and location.
NEW: serial-USB devices my change their ttyUSB number randomly. For an exact identification do the following:
1) connect your USBserial adapter
2) enter this command in a terminal:
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
this shows the device number i.e.: /dev/ttyUSB0
3) enter this command in a terminal, replace ttyUSB0 with the correct number
udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0) | grep '{serial}' | cut -d \" -f2 | head -n 1
this prints the ID of the serial USB adapter
4) enter this ID into the file identifySerUSB.c in the line #define SERID "xxxxxx", where xxxxxx is the ID
start the program by entering: ./ad
the display can be watched in any browser on any system. Open your favorite web browser and enter the IP address of your linux computer and you will see the display.
if you own an Amsat-Downconverter V3d or later (it will not work with V1 boards):
The board has an serial output line, located here:
this line is also available if the GPS-modul is installed, in this case solder a wire to this pin at the top of the GPS module.
The serial output works with 3,3v level. You need a 3,3v serial/USB converter. You can easily find these converters in the internet for very little money.
1) connect the 3,3v USB adapter into your linux computer
2) connect Ground and the serial output of the Amsat-Downconverter with Ground
and the serial input (RxD) of your USB adapter.
3) start this software as described above
4) switch ON your Amsat Downconverter
5) start a browser, enter your computer's IP address and watch the remote display
1) connect the 3,3v USB adapter into your linux computer
2) connect Ground and the serial output of the Amsat-Upconverter with Ground
and the serial input (RxD) of your USB adapter.
3) connect the serial output of the Amsat-Downconverter with the serial input of the Amsat-Upconverter.
(Ground exists already via the power supply wire).
4) start this software as described above
5) switch ON your Amsat Downconverter
6) start a browser, enter your computer's IP address and watch the remote display
Have a lot of fun ! DJ0ABR