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The Stacks/Clarity smart contracts and examples for the DLC.Link system

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Deployed contracts


You can find the latest deployed versions in the deployments/custom.testnet-plan.yaml file.

DLC.Link Devnet

You can find the latest deployed versions in the deployments/custom.devnet-plan.yaml file.

DLC.Link Stacks Smart Contracts

This smart contract is the interface for creating, closing and otherwise managing DLCs via the DLC.Link infrastructure.

Learn more about DLCs and DLC.Link below.


A DLC requires an oracle to attest to a specific outcome among the predefined set of outcomes.

This contract acts to feed the outcome of the DLC. By using a smart contract for this task, the implementation of the logic, as well as the data being used, is stamped on the chain, and is visible and reviewable by everyone.

How to interact with this contract

An example lending/borrowing contract is provided in /examples/sample-contract-loan.clar. This contract is a simple example of how to interact with the DLC Manager contract.

Clarity Traits

The following Clarity Traits must be implemented to interface with our dlc-manager contract. See /contracts/dlc-link-callback-trait.clar


When a DLC is properly set up on the Bitcoin blockchain, the DLC.Link infrastructure will use this function to notify Stacks of it's success. This allows the contracts to have confirmation about the DLC's status.


  • uuid: string - UUID of the DLC that was succesfully funded on BTC
  • btc-tx-id: string - BTC funding transaction ID


Used to callback into the calling/protocol contract to notify when a DLC is closed successfully.


  • uuid: string - UUID of the DLC
  • btc-tx-id: string - BTC closing transaction ID

Functions to call

Register contract

This must be run first by a DLC.Link admin. This authorizes your contract to interact with our DLC Manager contract. This happens once, and should happen first before anything else.

Parameters: contract-address: Principal

Unregister Contract

Used to unregister a contract from the list of authorized contracts

Parameters contract-address: Principal

Opening a DLC

When you register a DLC with this contract using the create-dlc function, a DLC is set up on our DLC Attestors with the associated outcomes (CETs).

See the comments in the contract for further information about using this function.


  • value-locked: uint - amount of BTC to lock in the DLC in Satoshis
  • callback-contract: principal - The contract that sends the request, and will accept the callback.
  • protocol-wallet: principal - router-wallet public key, that will trigger set-status-funded and post-close-dlc (see dlc-stack repo for more information)
  • refund-delay: uint - seconds until an emergency refund transaction can be broadcasted. Set 0 to disable this feature.
  • btc-fee-recipient: (string-ascii 64) - BTC address to send the BTC fees to (sends the fees to the protocol wallet if set to "0x")
  • btc-fee-basis-points: uint - BTC fee basis points (1/100 of a percent) to send to the fee recipient (set 0 to disable this feature)

Closing the DLC

The close-dlc function initiates the DLC closing flow. The supplied outcome will be relayed to the DLC Oracles through the DLC.Link Infrastructure, and it's value signed on the payout curve. The outcome must be between 0-10000: this represents 0-100.00% payouts, with two decimals precision. A value of 0 represents all value locked in the DLC to return to the user, 10000 means all BTC goes to the protocol (the other party in the DLC).


  • uuid:string
  • outcome:number - a value between 0-10000 inclusive


We are happy to have support and contribution from the community. Please find us on Discord and see below for developer details.



clarinet test

For test coverage run

clarinet test --coverage

And install lcov

brew install lcov
genhtml coverage.lcov
open index.html

Useful to note


This repo contains scripts that help interacting with our contracts. Create a .env in the root folder, following the .env.template file. Then, after an npm install and an npm run build, scripts can be ran using dlc-link-stacks. Run dlc-link-stacks --help to see the possibilities. Scripts can be found here.

Mocknet deployment

The following command deploys all our contracts and makes the necessary setups for testing.

$ clarinet integrate -p deployments/custom.devnet-plan.yaml

What Are DLCs

Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs) facilitate conditional payments on Bitcoin between two or more parties. By creating a Discreet Log Contract, two parties can form a monetary contract redistributing their funds to each other without revealing any details to the blockchain. Its appearance on the Bitcoin blockchain will be no different than an ordinary multi-signature output, so no external observer can learn its existence or details from the public ledger. A DLC is similar to a 2-of-3 multisig transaction where the third participant is an “oracle”. An oracle is a 3rd party source of data or information that the parties to the DLC trust as the source of truth for the contract. The oracle is incentivized to be a fair arbiter of the contract.

About DLC Link

DLC.Link is building infrastructure to empower decentralized applications and smart contract developers to easily leverage the power of DLCs. We provide companies and applications with a traditional REST API and a smart contract interface to create and manage DLCs for their use cases.

DLCs require an oracle to attest to a specific outcome among the predefined set of outcomes. That means trust.

Why power DLC oracles with smart contracts? By using a smart contract for this task, the implementation of the logic, as well as the data being used, is stamped on the chain, and is visible and reviewable by everyone.

Unlike other DLC Oracle server solutions, allows the DLCs to be configured with a simple interface, API or via smart contract, and to act on a wide-set of events and data sources through our decentralized infrastructure.

There are two types of events / data sources supported by

  1. Off-chain pricing data, such as the current price of BTC, ETH, etc. In fact, any numeric data from Redstone Oracle Network is supported.

  2. On-chain events, such as a completed transaction, a function call, etc. (Also, because Stacks can read the state of the BTC blockchain, actions can be taken directly on Stacks in response to funding transactions of DLCs on BTC. *This is continuing to be researched, and may be dependent on this project:


The Stacks/Clarity smart contracts and examples for the DLC.Link system






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