A small tool to download cloud free images from GEE. Also serves as an example that projects in the DLR MF-DAS organization should follow. You should copy the CI/CD set-up and other practices for your repository.
This tool relies on Google Earth Engine's Python API which cannot be installed automatically as a dependency. You need to install it from conda-forge in your conda environment:
conda install -c conda-forge earthengine-api
This is assuming you already have a conda environment activated. To install from source code you can do the following:
git clone [email protected]:DLR-MF-DAS/gee_downloader.git
cd gee_downloader
pip install -e .
Or if you don't want the source code you can do:
pip install [email protected]:DLR-MF-DAS/gee_downloader.git
Authenticate to Google Earth Engine (note that authentication mode should be set to notebook)
earthengine authenticate --auth_mode notebook
Then you can run the script by executing the module with the -m flag.
python3 -m gee_downloader --help
Which will tell you what the options for the script are.
Usage: python -m gee_downloader [OPTIONS]
-i, --geojson TEXT Area of interest in the GeoJSON format [required]
-s, --start-date TEXT Starting date for the composite (yyyy-mm-dd)
-e, --end-date TEXT End date for the composite (yyyy-mm-dd) [required]
-o, --output-file TEXT File to write the results to [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
For designing command line interfaces I recomment the click library for Python - https://click.palletsprojects.com/.
The implementation of the script can be found under src/gee_downloader/__main__.py
. Please consider following this
structure if your project requires you to provide an executable script.
To download some actual data you can try the following arguments from inside the repository file structure of this project.
python3 -m gee_downloader -i test/munich.json -s 2019-01-01 -e 2019-04-01 --output-file test.tiff
Which should result in a 13 band image part of which looks like this.
For testing you should use https://docs.pytest.org/. The GitHub Actions workflow file that runs the tests is located under gee_downloader/.github/workflows/python-app.yml. Use it and the tests under the test/ subdirectory as an example for your own projects.
The documentation for this library is automatically built and uploaded to GitHub Pages on each commit. The workflow responsible for this is defined at gee_downloader/.github/workflows/pdoc.yml. I prefer to use pdoc for documentation building but if you prefer to use something more complex the idea behind building and publishing it stays the same. The documentation is built from Python docstrings. For docstrings I recommend to use the NumPy docstrings standard https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html.
You can find the documentation here: https://dlr-mf-das.github.io/gee_downloader/
The package is automatically built and published to PyPi after each release. You can find the package here https://pypi.org/project/gee-downloader/. The workflow reposnible for this is defined at gee_downloader/.github/workflows/python-publish.yml. You need to correctly set-up a PyPi API token and add it to your GitHub secrets as described here: https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/publishing-package-distribution-releases-using-github-actions-ci-cd-workflows/. The workflow is activated when a new release is created. To create a new release go to the releases section of your GitHub repository https://github.com/DLR-MF-DAS/gee_downloader/releases.