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Rucio for Beginners

Doug Benjamin edited this page May 14, 2023 · 9 revisions

Thanks to Doug Benjamin

The Rucio Documentation:

First setup DUNE software on dunegpvm machine at FNAL

source /cvmfs/

Setting up larsoft UPS area... /cvmfs/
Setting up DUNE UPS area... /cvmfs/

Then setup the rucio package

setup rucio

Next get your x509 grid proxy


Next update the grid proxy to add the voms extension

export ROLE=Analysis

voms-proxy-init -rfc -noregen -bits 2048 -voms=dune:/dune/Role=$ROLE --valid 120:00

Check on your voms-proxy

voms-proxy-info -all

Define your Rucio account name – it should be your FNAL account

export RUCIO_ACCOUNT=<username>

Check to see if you can authenticate against the Rucio server

rucio whoami

created_at : 2021-10-19T20:01:12
account    : benjamin
status     : ACTIVE
email      : None
deleted_at : None
updated_at : 2021-10-19T20:01:12
account_type : USER
suspended_at : None

Example: Check which RSE’s the dataset found using the scope and dataset discovered from a Metacat query

for example - dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom:dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom_307151901

rucio list-dataset-replicas --deep dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom:dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom_307151901

DATASET: dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom:dc4-vd-coldbox-bottom_307151901
| RSE                     |   FOUND |   TOTAL |
| PRAGUE                  |      60 |      60 |
| DUNE_ES_PIC             |      60 |      60 |
| DUNE_CERN_EOS           |      60 |      60 |
| DUNE_US_FNAL_DISK_STAGE |      60 |      60 |
| MANCHESTER              |      60 |      60 |
| DUNE_US_BNL_SDCC        |      60 |      60 |

Example: List the datasets at a given RSE for example DUNE_ES_PIC

rucio list-datasets-rse DUNE_ES_PIC

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