This is a tool to build proposal geometries for DUNE near detector.
dunendggd is based on GeGeDe and started out as gyang9/dunendggd.
This package can be installed as user using pip
pip install -e .
Or if you do not have pip on your system and do not want to install it:
python develop --user
With root privileges:
python develop
Don't forget to check your variable PATH
export PATH=~/.local/bin/:${PATH}
The default geometries are defined in the Makefile
. To build them just invoke
make prod
Have a look in the Makefile
to see what kind of geometries are defined there.
Hint: The nosand
geometries build much, much faster than the geometries
including the sand
To do a quick check or your geometry file you can use ROOT-CERN:
root -l 'geoDisplay.C("example.gdml")'
You can also use the JSROOT webpage on to
visualize a geometry. That page should already contain the default geometries
from the last CI test, but you can also upload root files containing geometries
yourself. You can use the gdml2root.C
macro to convert gdml files to root
You can use the following macro to check a generated geometries for overlaps:
root -q -b "checkOverlaps.C(\"geometry.gdml\", 0)"
root -q -b "checkOverlaps.C(\"geometry.gdml\", 1)"
The last argument determines the algorithm used for the check. You should run both to be sure that there really are no overlaps.
If you leave out the batch mode flag -b
it will also show you any overlaps
in a graphical interace.
The macro locateVolume.C
can be used to check positions of volumes in the
global coordinate system:
$ root -b -q 'locateVolume.C("nd_hall_with_lar_tms_sand.gdml", "volWorld/rockBox_lv_0/volDetEnclosure_0/volTMS_0/thinlayervol_0/thinvolTMS_0")'
| Welcome to ROOT 6.30/04 |
| (c) 1995-2024, The ROOT Team; conception: R. Brun, F. Rademakers |
| Built for linuxx8664gcc on Feb 03 2024, 23:12:12 |
| From tags/v6-30-04@v6-30-04 |
| With c++ (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0 |
| Try '.help'/'.?', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
Processing locateVolume.C("nd_hall_with_lar_tms_sand.gdml", "volWorld/rockBox_lv_0/volDetEnclosure_0/volTMS_0/thinlayervol_0/thinvolTMS_0")...
== Loading Geometry ==
== Switching to volume path: volWorld/rockBox_lv_0/volDetEnclosure_0/volTMS_0/thinlayervol_0/thinvolTMS_0 ==
== Volume information ==
== Volume: thinvolTMS type TGeoVolume positioned 2 times
*** Shape boxTMS: TGeoBBox ***
dX = 87.45000
dY = 251.10000
dZ = 0.75000
origin: x= 0.00000 y= 0.00000 z= 0.00000
Mixture SteelTMS Aeff=55.7025 Zeff=25.938 rho=7.85 radlen=1.7654 intlen=16.9869 index=41
Element #0 : C Z= 6.00 A= 12.01 w= 0.000
Element #1 : FE Z= 26.00 A= 55.84 w= 0.995
Element #2 : SI Z= 14.00 A= 28.09 w= 0.004
== Node information ==
OBJ: TGeoNodeMatrix thinvolTMS_0
== Matrix information ==
matrix global_5 - tr=1 rot=1 refl=0 scl=0 shr=0 reg=0 own=0
1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Tx = -264.350000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 Ty = -135.223000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 Tz = 1139.550000
The Volume information tells us the shape and size of the volume, as well as its material. The matrix information tells us the rotation and translation of the volume in the global coordinate system.
You can use any of the visualisation methods above to browse the geometry and find the paths to the volumes you want to inspect.
Currently this does not work copies of volumes ending with #<some_number>
- dunendggd: Package managers
- Lukas Koch
- Mathew Muether
- GeGeDe:
- Brett Viren