Java Client for Vimeo
- Upload Videos
- List All Videos
- Single Video Details
- Delete Video
- Edit Uploaded Video
- Upload with Thus Protocol
implementation 'io.github.danushka96:vimeo-java:0.0.19'
- Create a new API App in Vimeo
- Generate a personal access token with permissions
- Give this key to the Vimeo-java-client
@PostMapping(consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_STREAM_JSON_VALUE)
public Mono<ResponseEntity> uploadFile(@RequestPart("files") Flux<FilePart> filePartFlux) {
VimeoVideoMeta videoMeta = VimeoVideoMeta.builder()
.name("My test video")
.description("Test video description")
return filePartFlux
.flatMap(f -> vimeoVideoService.initVideoUploadMeta(videoMeta)
.flatMap(resp -> vimeoVideoService.uploadVideo(resp.getUpload().getUploadLink(), f)
Feel free to open issues if you face some kind of problem.