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A Gradle plugin for streamlined publishing on Maven Central

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A Gradle plugin for streamlined publishing on Maven Central (and other Maven / Nexus repositories). This plugin is meant to provide an even easier configuration than io.github.gradle-nexus:publish-plugin (from which this plugin depends), with the goal of supporting highly automated workflows with minimal configuration. Moreover, this plugin supports publishing to the new Maven Central Portal.


Publishing on Maven Central requires too much configuration? Well, I agree. This plugin is here to simplify your life by automatically creating a Maven-Central compatible publication filling all the information required by OSSRH, configuring tasks for generating javadoc and source jar files, activating the signing plugin, and preparing tasks to upload, close, and release the artifact.

This plugin supports both targets that use Sonatype Nexus (such as Maven Central) and targets that do not, such as GitHub Packages.



If you use the legacy Nexus-based publishing, add MAVEN_CENTRAL_USERNAME and MAVEN_CENTRAL_PASSWORD to your environment. If you use the new Maven Central Portal, add MAVEN_CENTRAL_PORTAL_USERNAME and MAVEN_CENTRAL_PORTAL_PASSWORD (obtain these credentials from the portal user settings page). The plugin can also work in mixed mode, with some publications going to the portal and some to Nexus.

plugins {
    id ("org.danilopianini.publish-on-central") version "<pick the latest>"
group = "" // This must be configured for the generated pom.xml to work correctly
publishOnCentral {
  projectDescription.set("A reasonable description")
publishing {
  publications {
    withType<MavenPublication> {
      pom {
        developers {
          developer {
            name.set("Danilo Pianini")
            email.set("[email protected]")
signing {
  val signingKey: String? by project
  val signingPassword: String? by project
  useInMemoryPgpKeys(signingKey, signingPassword)


plugins {
    id ("org.danilopianini.publish-on-central") version "<pick the latest>"

The plugin is configured to react to the application of the java plugin, and to apply the maven-publish and signing plugin if they are not applied.

// The package name is equal to the project name
group = "" // This must be configured for the generated pom.xml to work correctly
 * The plugin comes with defaults that are useful to myself. You should configure it to behave as you please:
publishOnCentral {
    repoOwner.set("Your-GitHub-username") // Used to populate the default value for projectUrl and scmConnection
    projectDescription.set("A reasonable description")
    // The following values are the default, if they are ok with you, just omit them
    licenseName.set("Apache License, Version 2.0")

     * The plugin is pre-configured to fetch credentials for Maven Central from the context in the following order:
     * 2. Project properties mavenCentralUsername and mavenCentralPassword
     * 3. Project properties sonatypeUsername and sonatypePassword
     * 4. Project properties ossrhUsername and ossrhPassword
     * They can be further customized through values or providers:
    mavenCentral.password.set(provider { "..." })

     * The publications can be sent to other destinations, e.g. GitHub
     * The task name would be 'publishAllPublicationsToGitHubRepository'
    repository("", "GitHub") {
     * Here is an example of a repository with a custom Nexus instance
    repository("https://some/valid/repo/with/nexus", "MyNexus") {
        user.set(mavenCentral.user) // mavenCentral is accessible for 
        nexusUrl = "https://some/valid/nexus/instance"
        // nexusTimeOut and nexusConnectionTimeOut can be configured, too.

     * A simplified handler is available for publishing on the Snapshots repository of Maven Central
    if (project.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { // Avoid stable versions being pushed there...
      mavenCentralSnapshotsRepository() // Imports user and password from the configuration for Maven Central
      // mavenCentralSnapshotsRepository() {
      //     ...but they can be customized as per any other repository
      // }

 * Developers and contributors must be added manually
publishing {
    publications {
        withType<MavenPublication> {
            pom {
                developers {
                    developer {
                        name.set("Danilo Pianini")
                        email.set("[email protected]")

 * The plugin automatically adds every publication to the list of objects to sign
 * The configuration of the signing process is left to the user, though,
 * as in a normal Gradle build.
 * In the following example, in-memory signing is configured.
 * For further options, please refer to:
signing {
    val signingKey: String? by project
    val signingPassword: String? by project
    useInMemoryPgpKeys(signingKey, signingPassword)


If the dokka plugin is applied, the plugin reacts automatically and uses the HTML output as the javadoc jar. Contextually, this plugin disables all javadoc tasks, as they are not needed anymore.

Kotlin Multiplatform

This plugin reacts to the application of the Kotlin Multiplatform plugin by generating a Javadoc Jar for each KMP publication: unfortunately, Kotlin Multiplatform pre-initializes a sources jar, but not a javadoc jar. For Kotlin Multiplatform, no special publications are created, this plugins configures the existing ones to be compatible with Maven Central.


  • sourcesJar: a Jar task preconfigured to collect and pack allSource from the main source set
  • javadocJar: a Jar task preconfigured to
    1. package the output of Javadoc tasks, if the java plugin has been applied; or
    2. package the output of the Dokka HTML plugin, if the Dokka Gradle plugin has been applied; or
    3. generate an empty jar, otherwise.
  • A publication named OSSRH for each Java, Scala, or Kotlin/JVM repository and relative publication tasks; unless manually deactivated, a MavenCentral repository is created by default.
  • One publishing task for publishing All software components to any target repository
  • For every repository with an associated Sonatype Nexus instance, additional tasks are generated to control the creation, upload, closure, and release of staging repositories.

Maven Central Portal publishing

Maven Central recently introduced a new portal for managing the artifacts, which will progressively replace the Nexus-based publishing. Publishing on the Central Portal goes through the following steps:

  1. the publication is uploaded to project-local maven repository
  2. the local repository is zipped
  3. the bundle is then uploaded to the portal and validated
  4. once the validation is complete, the bundle is released or dropped

The lifecycle is summarized in the following diagram:

flowchart LR
    jar --o signPublication1Publication
    sourcesJar --o signPublication1Publication
    javadocJar --o signPublication1Publication
    jar --o signPublication2Publication
    sourcesJar --o signPublication2Publication
    javadocJar --o signPublication2Publication
    signPublication1Publication --o publishPublication1PublicationToProjectLocalRepository
    signPublication2Publication --o publishPublication2PublicationToProjectLocalRepository
    generatePomFileForPublication1Publication --o signPublication1Publication
    generatePomFileForPublication2Publication --o signPublication2Publication
    publishPublication1PublicationToProjectLocalRepository --o zipMavenCentralPortalPublication
    publishPublication2PublicationToProjectLocalRepository --o zipMavenCentralPortalPublication
    zipMavenCentralPortalPublication --o validateMavenCentralPortalPublication
    validateMavenCentralPortalPublication --o dropMavenCentralPortalPublication
    validateMavenCentralPortalPublication --o releaseMavenCentralPortalPublication

In short, select the publications you wish to publish (most likely, the OSSRH publication), and use the upload<PublicationName>PublicationToProjectLocalRepository task to enqueue them for upload, then use the zipMavenCentralPortalPublication to create a bundle. Now, you can interact with the portal using the (validate/release/drop)MavenCentralPortalPublication tasks. A typical invocation could be:

$ ./gradlew uploadAllPublicationsToProjectLocalRepository zipMavenCentralPortalPublication releaseMavenCentralPortalPublication

If you already have an uploaded bundle and want to manage it using this plugin, set the publishDeploymentId property to the deployment ID of the bundle you want to manage, e.g.:

$ ./gradlew -PpublishDeploymentId=8697a629-c07d-4349-9a3f-0f52f3ba74fb dropMavenCentralPortalPublication

If publishDeploymentId is set, no upload will be performed.

Non-Nexus publishing

Launching the publish[PublicationName]PublicationTo[RepositoryName]Repository triggers the creation of the required components, their signing, and the upload on the target repository.

flowchart LR
    jar --o signPublicationNamePublication
    sourcesJar --o signPublicationNamePublication
    javadocJar --o signPublicationNamePublication
    signPublicationNamePublication --o publishPublicationNamePublicationToRepositoryNameRepository
    generatePomFileForPublicationNamePublication --o signPublicationNamePublication

Sonatype Nexus publishing

Nexus publishing is a bit more elaborate. It requires to select:

  1. the operation that must be performed (among simple upload, repository closure, and repository release), and
  2. the packages that will be uploaded

Typical invocations could be:

  • ./gradlew uploadAllPublicationsToMavenCentralNexus
    • Simply uploads all publications on a single staging repository
  • ./gradlew uploadAllPublicationsToMavenCentralNexus closeStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral
    • Uploads all artifacts and closes the repository
  • ./gradlew uploadAllPublicationsToMavenCentralNexus releaseStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral
    • Uploads all artifacts, closes, and releases the repository
  • ./gradlew uploadAllPublicationsToMavenCentralNexus closeStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral dropStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral
    • Uploads all artifacts, closes the repository, then drops it (dry-deploy)

The idea is that the packages to be uploaded must be selected by picking the right set of upload[Publication]To[Repo]Nexus tasks, and then if further operations are required, either closeStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral or releaseStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral can be used to close/release.

The following schema shows the dependencies among tasks in case of upload on Nexus of a project with two publications (e.g., a Kotlin-multiplatform project)

flowchart LR
    generatePomFileForPublicationName1Publication --o signPublicationName1Publication
    jar --o signPublicationName1Publication
    sourcesJar --o signPublicationName1Publication
    javadocJar --o signPublicationName1Publication
    signPublicationName1Publication --o uploadPublicationName1ToRepositoryNameNexus
    jar --o signPublicationName2Publication
    sourcesJar --o signPublicationName2Publication
    javadocJar --o signPublicationName2Publication
    signPublicationName2Publication --o uploadPublicationName2ToRepositoryNameNexus
    generatePomFileForPublicationName2Publication --o signPublicationName2Publication
    uploadPublicationName1ToRepositoryNameNexus --o closeStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName
    uploadPublicationName2ToRepositoryNameNexus --o closeStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName
    closeStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName --o releaseStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName
    createNexusClientForRepositoryName --o createStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName
    createStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName --o uploadPublicationName1ToRepositoryNameNexus
    createStagingRepositoryOnRepositoryName --o uploadPublicationName2ToRepositoryNameNexus

Multi-stage upload

This plugin, during the execution of the createStagingRepositoryOn[Repo] task, exports a file in build/ containing the staging repository ID in the format [Repo]=<repo-id>.

This file can be used to export all the repository IDs to the environment, and then use them in other jobs.

An example below shows how to use this feature to upload artifacts to a staging repository from a different job.

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      repositoryId: ${{ steps.createStagingRepository.outputs.MavenCentralStagingRepositoryId }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: 11
      - name: Build with Gradle
        run: ./gradlew build
      - name: Create staging repository
        id: createStagingRepository
        # This step creates a staging repository on Maven Central and exports the staging repository ID as an output
        run: |
          ./gradlew createStagingRepositoryOnMavenCentral
          cat build/ >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    needs: build
      os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: 11
      - name: Use staging repository
        # Use the staging repository ID exported by the previous job to upload artifacts to the same staging repository
        run: ./gradlew -PstagingRepositoryId=${{ }} uploadAllPublicationsToMavenCentralNexus

Usage examples

If you use publish-on-central in your project, please consider providing a pull request with a link to your project: it will provide useful use cases for newcomers to look at.

Java, simple project, kts build file

Java, multiproject, kts build file

  • Protelis: an aggregate programming language

Java + Kotlin-jvm + Scala + Kotlin multiplatform, multiproject, kts build file

Kotlin-jvm, simple project, kts build file

  • khttp: Kotlin HTTP requests library

Kotlin-jvm, multiproject, kts build file

  • JaKtA: JaKtA is a Kotlin internal DSL for the definition of BDI agents.

Kotlin-jvm, Gradle plugin, simple project, kts build file

  • multi-jvm-test-plugin: Automatic configuration of Gradle's toolchains for multi-JVM testing
  • ProtelisDoc: Dokka-based documentation engine for Protelis
  • publish-on-central (yes, this plugin uses itself for publishing)
  • conventional-commits: Gradle plugin to check if commits are Conventional Commits compliant


Contributing to the project

I gladly review pull requests and I'm happy to improve the work. If the software was useful to you, please consider supporting my development activity paypal


A Gradle plugin for streamlined publishing on Maven Central




