guide on how to get node.js app on azure
- Start your project in vscode
- Create your .js file where you entry point is (ex: index.js or server.js)
- in the terminal launch "npm init" to create the package.json file (make sure you are in the app folder.)
- add a strart command in the scripts part of package.json
- you can now start the app with "npm start"
- Install Azure App Service extension
- in the azure tab Create a new web app.
- choose linux
- in azure tab chose deploy to webapp
- this is the simplest way to do it, it zips your folder and uploads it to azure. There are other ways, directly from git for example.
- notice the appService.zipIgnorePattern in workspace settings
- note: Make sure to use enviroment varialbles for things like port.
I installed nodeexpress to get better http wrappers to add compression middleware npm install --save compression