This app requires root access
Frontend for interacting with the Fabricated Overlay API, available in Android 12 and later.
- Create, delete, enable, and disable overlays
- View overlay contents ✨
- Export and import overlays ✨
- Include strings in overlays ✨ (Android 14+)
Requires a custom android.jar
from here to be placed in $ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-35
Support creating non-fabricated overlays
- @zacharee/FabricateOverlay - Design and code
- @DerTyp7214/Overlayer - Design and code
- @MuntashirAkon/AppManager - Design and code
- @jacopotediosi/GAppsMod - Design
Cannot currently set dimen values in Android 14 due to a bug in AOSP✅ Bypassed- Root-enabled file manager required for viewing non-fabricated overlays and receiving shared fabricated overlays.
- App sometimes starts in the background and displays a "superuser granted" toast.