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Repository containing the code for the Deakin Software Engineering Club (DSEC) public website

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Deakin SEC Website

Repository containing the code for the Deakin Software Engineering Club (DSEC) public website

To see the site live, visit


Join the slack channel #sec-website in DSEC slack for more.


The master branch is continuously deployed here via GitHub pages.

The develop branch contains additional features or work in progress that is not yet ready for live publication. To deploy live, changes will be merged into master via PR.

Long term feature development takes place in feature branches (eg. feature/port-to-elm). These branches will have develop regularly merged in to maintain currency. When the feature is complete it will be merged into develop via PR.


Git, GitHub workflow

We are using a standard fork/PR type workflow to ensure that contributions:

  • can be reviewed before entering the codebase
  • are recognised and recorded on GitHub as OSS contributions

Refer to this Wiki page for instructions.

Once you are comfortable with the workflow, you can start contributing.

For a new feature or change, decide whether the feature is significant enough to warrant a new feature branch (most won't be). This will be something you want to discuss in the #sec-website channel on DSEC slack.

If the new feature is very large, you (or a contributor with access) will need to create the new feature branch with an appropriate name in the deakinsec/deakin-sec-website repo.

Otherwise, you will be making your new changes in the develop branch.

For contributions to an existing work in progress feature, you can use the existing branch.

When you know where (in which branch) your changes will need to be made, fork this repo (or fetch and pull to bring your local up to date if you've done this before). Then, switch to the relevant branch locally. Make your changes to your local branch, commit and push them up to your origin.

When you are ready, submit a PR from your origin branch (develop or the feature branch) to the matching upstream branch in the original deakin-sec repo.

Git (and GitHub) are pretty confusing and unintuitive until you get used to them so make sure to read through the wiki and linked guides. If you get stuck, jump onto slack and you will find help.

Installing development requirements

Ensure the have a recent version of Node.js and npm.

Open a terminal, and follow the instructions below.

cd /path/to/code
git clone
cd deakin-sec-website

If you already have gulpjs installed, you can skip this next step.

npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install gulp -D

You can then finalise the build installation process.

npm install

If all went well, you'll see no errors.

Running the development environment

In your first terminal window, run gulp to begin watching for changes.

In a second terminal window, run

node ./node_modules/http-server/bin/http-server -p 8080

Open up your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/. You should be able to see the website!

Editing HTML

Do not edit the HTML files in the root directory. Instead, edit the ones inside the src/ directory. The root directory files will be compiled over.


major tasks:

  1. finish content
  2. animations/interactivity/effects etc


  1. polish and increase consistency (colour, styles)


Repository containing the code for the Deakin Software Engineering Club (DSEC) public website



