. Project Name: Algorithmic Step towards a Clean City Development of an algorithm for optimal dustbin placement in a smart city, considering hotspots and other factors
Compiler Req: GCC
Input Format:
1st Line: (int value) The number of points of intersection of all roads 2nd Line: (int value) The number of roads in our network | Suppose 'E' 3rd Line: (int value) Max allowable distance b/w consecutive dustbins
Vertices are represented by 0-based indexing
Next 'E' lines: Input the edges representing the roads (Each road connects two vertices) (int value), (int value), (int value): (index of either vertex), (index of the other vertex), (length of the road)
Output Format:
First 'E' lines contain the total dustbins to be installed on each road(edge). Then, last line contains the total number of dustbins installed.