This is the publically available code repository for Particle-Cloud-Jet-Diffusion (PC-JeDi) {ArXiv link}. Included here is a minimal working example which:
- Loads the JetNet training and validation set
- Trains the conditional denoising diffusion model
- On each validation epoch the full generation process is run and plots of the output distributions and some JetNet metrics are calculated
This project uses PytorchLightning to manage training, WandB to manage logging, and Hydra to manage the job configuration.
To run this code you will need to
- Install the libraries listed in the requirements.txt using python > 3.9
- Download the JetNet dataset {ArXiv link}
- Make a free WandB account
- Define following entries in the yaml configs
- data_dir: Path to the downloaded jetnet dataset
- output_dir: Path to save the trained model and associated plots
- wandb/entity: Your username on WandB
- project_name: The desired name of the project, will be used to save the model
- network_name: The desired name of the run, will be used to save the model
Once the configuration is set you should be able to run scripts/