Evolutionary Algorithm, that can optimize the choice of hyperparameters and architecture of machine learning models.
- in folder "experiments" are all executable files
- use runner.py from the root directory to run the experiments
- define a config.py with the global vars CHAT_ID and BOT_KEY, if you want to use send_telegram
- a small unnoticed difference in the instance is enough for the difference, the cross instances, of the very similar instances are again very same!
- Solution:
only max one cross instance
for crossing minimum dissimilarity, not just stupid the best ones
Metric for similarity
- n_duplicates in generation
- n_duplicates only one difference
crossing of two individuals, that are only different in the same position, the duplicate protection loop will go forever!
even if they are not the same, they must differ in 2 attributes
- if there is no better individual for many generations, the generation could get more random -> adaptive search: instruments provided by DNA! metric, when the new generation was good enough, in crossing, similar values will appear most of the time
- diversity good over attributes?
- How to evolution.
- you need a very precise fitness function!!! KFold required!
- the derivation between Folds should be low
- most importantly the differnce between KFold mean and the final training should be low -> representative 70 (derivation 1 percent) mean to 72 69 (over 10 percent derivation) mean to 65
- write a function the does the check and has as output a good metric that you can see, if an optimization of your fitness function will lead to a better model!!!!
- cross could be an individual in between
- no better individual for some generations, the change rate needs to be both bigger and smaller - smaller for micro optimization, bigger for finding a complete new optimum
- finding another optimum, I could open a new familiy tree, where the maximum is not compare with my main generation