Collection of scripts to split the minicubes into cross-validation folds
julia cluster_cubes.jl
When running the script, all dependencies will be installed automatically through Pkg.instantiate
, just run the program with a recent Julia version. Currently the script assumes that the minicubes registry is stored in the same folder as the script and it will write the groups into a ./output/
folder. The number of groups is set to 10 and the distance between groups to 50 km.
You can download the registry with get_registry.jl
. Please adjust the paths as necessary.
outputs a csv file with the minicubes identifiers, location (lon, lat) and their assigned group, as well as a map of the groups of minicubes locations. Example output with 10 groups and 50 km distance are available in ./output/.
Mélanie Weynants @melwey, Fabian Gans @meggart
Credits go to Jake Nelson and Basil Kraft@bask0 who did the original python implementation of the splitter this program is derived from.