CSS Modules for Elixir. Build to integrate well with the Phoenix Framework.
ExCSSModules defines two ways to read the stylesheet: embedded and read.
If you set the embed_stylesheet
option to the use
macro the stylesheet definitions JSON have to be compiled before the application is compiled. This flag is used for production to optimize read times.
If you don't set the flag or set it to false, the stylesheet definition JSON files are read live from the server which creates a lot of IO for each request.
Additionally, you can pass a task to generate missing stylesheet definitions JSON files when compiling ExCSSModules, to prevent compilation errors when one of the stylesheet definitions JSON might be missing:
defmodule Mix.Tasks.GenerateMissingJson do
use Mix.Task
@impl Mix.Task
def run(filename) do
with _exit_code = 0 <-
Mix.shell().cmd("npx postcss #{filename} --dir ./tmp/postcss --verbose") do
{:ok, filename <> ".json"}
_exit_code ->
relative_path = Path.relative_to_cwd(filename)
exit("Error generating scoped JSON file ./#{relative_path}.json")
This task can be passed through the option build_stylesheet_definitions_json_task
use ExCSSModules.View,
namespace: MyApplicationWeb,
embed_stylesheet: ApplicationSettings.built_for?(:prod),
build_stylesheet_definitions_json_task: unquote(Mix.Tasks.GenerateMissingJson),
|> Path.dirname()
|> Path.join("./style.css")
Install from Hex.pm:
def deps do
[{:ex_css_modules, "~> 0.0.10"}]
To use ExCSSModules in a view compile the CSS file (e.g. through Brunch or Webpack) and add the following to the view:
defmodule MyApplication.ExampleView do
use ExCSSModules.View, stylesheet: Path.relative_to_cwd("assets/css/views/example.css")
This allows you to use the class
and class_name
functions in the template and views as followed:
.title {
font-size: huge;
<h1 <%= class "title" %>>Hello world</h1>
<h1 class="_2313dsc-title">Hello world</h1>
Please note that class
cannot be used in heex
templates as the HTML
validation engine does not allow it.
ExCSSModules is made for the Phoenix framework and can be easily be automatically be added to your view definition in web.ex
. At Defacto we automatically parse the View name and extract the correct stylesheet from it:
def view() do
quote do
use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/my_application_web/templates",
namespace: MyApplicationWeb
use ExCSSModules.View, namespace: MyApplicationWeb,
stylesheet: Path.join(
|> Module.split
|> Enum.map(&Phoenix.Naming.underscore/1)
|> Enum.join("/")
|> String.replace_suffix("_view", ".css")
ExCSSModules needs to parse JSON files in order to read the mappings between the base classnames and the autogenerated
ones. You can specify which JSON parsing library you wish to use through the :json_library
config option. If your
project uses Phoenix, it is recommended to use the same library for both Phoenix and ExCSSModules. ExCSSModules uses
Poison by default.
ExCSSModules works perfectly with ExCell. By adding the following to your web.ex
definition for cells you can automatically add the stylesheet in the same directory as your ExCell Cell:
def cell() do
quote do
use ExCell.Cell, namespace: MyApplicationWeb
use ExCSSModules.View, namespace: MyApplicationWeb,
stylesheet: __ENV__.file
|> Path.dirname
|> Path.join("./style.css")
: Global configuration for the:embed_stylesheet
option of ExCssModules.View. Can still be overridden by the use option. Useful for configuring different defaults in development and production. Defaults to false.