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Only evaluate closed expressions in from_lctx
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* src/ (set_singleton, set_union): New functions.

* src/ (value_type): Add `Vundefined`.
(print_rte_ctx): Drop hardcoded magic number.

* src/ (from_lctx): Rewrite.
(roname, ctx_memo, closed_dbset_p, closed_p): New functions.
(from_ectx): New function to replace the old misnamed from_lctx.

* src/ (default_ectx): Rename from default_lctx.

* src/ (mv_set): New type.
(list_union, mv_set_empty, mv_set_add, mv_set_union, fv_memo)
(fv_empty, fv_union, fv_sink, fv_hoist, fv): New functions.

* tests/ ("macros base"): Move macro call to within
a function, to test the handling of variables in the context.

* .gitignore: Add patterns for ELPA files.
  • Loading branch information
monnier committed Dec 6, 2016
1 parent d81d675 commit 42923f8
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Showing 12 changed files with 206 additions and 72 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -269,20 +269,20 @@ let parse_args () =
let main () =
parse_args ();

let lctx = default_lctx in
let ectx = default_ectx in
let rctx = default_rctx in

print_string (make_title " TYPER REPL ");
print_string _welcome_msg;
print_string (make_sep '-');
flush stdout;

let (i, lctx, rctx) = readfiles (!arg_files) (1, lctx, rctx) true in
let (i, ectx, rctx) = readfiles (!arg_files) (1, ectx, rctx) true in

flush stdout;

(* Initiate REPL. This will allow us to inspect interpreted code *)
repl i lctx rctx
repl i ectx rctx

let _ = main ()
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -327,6 +327,8 @@ let set_mem i (o, m) = VMap.mem (i - o) m
let set_set i (o, m) = (o, VMap.add (i - o) () m)
let set_reset i (o, m) = (o, VMap.remove (i - o) m)

let set_singleton i = (0, VMap.singleton i ())

(* Adjust a set for use in a deeper scope with `o` additional bindings. *)
let set_sink o (o', m) = (o + o', m)

Expand All @@ -336,3 +338,11 @@ let set_hoist o (o', m) =
let (_, _, newm) = VMap.split (-1 - newo) m
in (newo, newm)

let set_union (o1, m1) (o2, m2) : set =
if o1 = o2 then
(o1, VMap.merge (fun k _ _ -> Some ()) m1 m2)
let o = o2 - o1 in
(o1, VMap.fold (fun i2 () m1
-> VMap.add (i2 + o) () m1)
m2 m1)
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Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let format_source () =
let toks = lex default_stt pretoks in
let nodes = sexp_parse_all_to_list default_grammar toks (Some ";") in
let pexps = pexp_decls_all nodes in
let ctx = default_lctx in
let ctx = default_ectx in
let lexps, _ = lexp_p_decls pexps ctx in

print_string (make_sep '-'); print_string "\n";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ let main () =
debug_pexp_decls pexps; print_string "\n"));

(* get lexp *)
let octx = default_lctx in
let octx = default_ectx in

(* Debug declarations merging *)
(if (get_p_option "merge-debug") then(
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ type value_type =
| Closure of string * elexp * runtime_env
| Vsexp of sexp (* Values passed to macros. *)
(* Unable to eval during macro expansion, only throw if the value is used *)
| Vundefined
| Vdummy
| Vin of in_channel
| Vout of out_channel
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ let value_name v =
| Vsexp _ -> "Vsexp"
| Vcons _ -> "Vcons"
| Vfloat _ -> "Vfloat"
| Vundefined -> "Vundefined"
| Vdummy -> "Vdummy"
| Vstring _ -> "Vstring"
| Closure _ -> "Closure"
Expand All @@ -120,6 +122,7 @@ let rec value_string v =
| Vin _ -> "in_channel"
| Vout _ -> "out_channe;"
| Vdummy -> "dummy"
| Vundefined -> "<undefined!>"
| Vcommand _ -> "command"
| Vstring s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
| Vbuiltin s -> s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,8 +215,7 @@ let print_rte_ctx_n (ctx: runtime_env) start =

(* Only print user defined variables *)
let print_rte_ctx ctx =
(* FIXME: harcoded -3, runtime_env has 3 variables missing *)
print_rte_ctx_n ctx (!L.builtin_size - 3)
print_rte_ctx_n ctx (!L.builtin_size)

(* Dump the whole context *)
let dump_rte_ctx ctx =
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Expand Up @@ -612,43 +612,70 @@ let eval_all lxps rctx silent =

let varname s = match s with Some (_, v) -> v | _ -> "<anon>"

(* build a rctx from a lctx. *)
(* FIXME: `eval` with a disabled runIO, and then memoize, memoize, ... *)
let from_lctx (ctx: elab_context): runtime_env =
let (_, lctx) = ctx in
let rctx : runtime_env
= (fun (_, oname, _, _)
-> (match (oname : symbol option) with
| Some (_, name) -> Some name
| _ -> None),
ref Vdummy)
lctx in

(* Then fill each slot in turn. *)
let _, evals
= M.fold_left
(fun (i, evals) (o, oname, def, _)
-> match def with
| LetDef lxp
-> (let elxp = OL.erase_type lxp in
let (_, valcell) = M.nth i rctx in
let octx = M.nthcdr (i - o + 1) rctx in
(i + 1, (valcell, elxp, octx) :: evals))
| _
(* FIXME: We should stop right here if this variable is
* actually used (e.g. if this type's variable is ∀t.t). *)
-> warning dloc ("No definition to compute the value of `"
^ varname oname ^ "`");
(i + 1, evals))
(0, []) lctx in
(* The evaluations have to be done "from the end of the list". *)
List.iter (fun (valcell, elxp, octx)
-> try valcell := eval elxp octx
with e -> (* print_lexp_ctx (ectx_to_lctx ctx); *)
print_string "eval-in-from_lctx failed on: ";
(* lexp_print lxp; print_string "\nerased to: "; *)
elexp_print elxp;
print_string "\n"; raise e)

let roname loname = (match (loname : symbol option) with
| Some (_, name) -> Some name
| _ -> None)

module CMap
(* Memoization table. FIXME: Ideally the keys should be "weak", but
* I haven't found any such functionality in OCaml's libs. *)
= Hashtbl.Make
(struct type t = lexp_context let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (==) end)
let ctx_memo = CMap.create 1000

let closed_dbset_p rctx ((o, vm) : DB.set) =
VMap.for_all (fun i () -> let (_, rc) = Myers.nth (i + o) rctx in
match !rc with Vundefined -> false | _ -> true)

let closed_p rctx (fvs, mvs) =
closed_dbset_p rctx fvs
(* FIXME: Handle metavars! *)
&& VMap.is_empty mvs

let rec from_lctx (lctx: lexp_context): runtime_env =
(* FIXME: `eval` with a disabled runIO. *)
let from_lctx' (lctx: lexp_context): runtime_env =
match lctx with
| Myers.Mnil -> Myers.nil
| Myers.Mcons ((0, loname, def, _), lctx, _, _)
-> let rctx = from_lctx lctx in
Myers.cons (roname loname,
ref (match def with
| LetDef e
when closed_p rctx (OL.fv e)
-> eval (OL.erase_type e) rctx
| _ -> Vundefined))
| Myers.Mcons ((1, loname, LetDef e, _), lctx, _, _)
-> let rec getdefs i lctx rdefs fvs =
match lctx with
| Myers.Mcons ((o, loname, LetDef e, _), lctx, _, _)
when o = i
-> getdefs (i + 1) lctx ((loname, e) :: rdefs)
(OL.fv_union fvs (OL.fv e))
| _ -> (lctx, rdefs, fvs) in
let (lctx, rdefs, fvs) = getdefs 2 lctx [(loname, e)] OL.fv_empty in
let rctx = from_lctx lctx in
let (nrctx, evs)
= List.fold_left (fun (rctx, evs) (loname, e)
-> let rc = ref Vundefined in
(Myers.cons (roname loname, rc) rctx,
(e, rc)::evs))
(rctx, []) rdefs in
let _ =
if closed_p rctx (OL.fv_hoist (List.length rdefs) fvs) then
List.iter (fun (e, rc) -> rc := eval (OL.erase_type e) nrctx) evs
else () in
| _ -> U.internal_error "Unexpected lexp_context shape!"
try CMap.find ctx_memo lctx
with Not_found
-> let r = from_lctx' lctx in
CMap.add ctx_memo lctx r;

(* build a rctx from a ectx. *)
let from_ectx (ctx: elab_context): runtime_env =
from_lctx (ectx_to_lctx ctx)
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@

open Util
open Fmt
open Myers

open Prelexer
open Lexer
Expand All @@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ module Unif = Unification

module OL = Opslexp
module EL = Elexp
module SU = Subst

(* Shortcut => Create a Var *)
let make_var name index loc =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -681,13 +679,13 @@ and infer_call (func: pexp) (sargs: sexp list) ctx =
let rec handle_fun_args largs sargs pending ltp =
let ltp' = OL.lexp_whnf ltp (ectx_to_lctx ctx) meta_ctx in
match sargs, ltp' with
| _, Arrow (ak, Some (_, aname'), arg_type, _, ret_type)
when SMap.mem aname' pending
-> let sarg = SMap.find aname' pending in
| _, Arrow (ak, Some (_, aname), arg_type, _, ret_type)
when SMap.mem aname pending
-> let sarg = SMap.find aname pending in
let parg = pexp_parse sarg in
let larg = check parg arg_type ctx in
handle_fun_args ((ak, larg) :: largs) sargs
(SMap.remove aname' pending)
(SMap.remove aname pending)
(L.mkSusp ret_type (S.substitute larg))

| (Node (Symbol (_, "_:=_"), [Symbol (_, aname); sarg])) :: sargs,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -833,7 +831,7 @@ and lexp_expand_macro_ macro_funct sargs ctx expand_fun : value_type =
(* FIXME: Don't `mkCall + eval` but use eval_call instead! *)
let macro = mkCall (macro_expand, args) in
let emacro = OL.erase_type macro in
let rctx = EV.from_lctx ctx in
let rctx = EV.from_ectx ctx in

(* eval macro *)
let vxp = try EV._eval emacro rctx ([], [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1145,7 +1143,7 @@ let dynamic_bind r v body =
with e -> r := old; raise e

(* Make lxp context with built-in types *)
let default_lctx
let default_ectx
= let _ = register_special_forms () in
(* Empty context *)
let lctx = make_elab_context in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1184,7 +1182,7 @@ let default_lctx
lctx in

let default_rctx = EV.from_lctx default_lctx
let default_rctx = EV.from_ectx default_ectx

(* String Parsing
* --------------------------------------------------------- *)
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -594,6 +594,101 @@ let rec check' meta_ctx erased ctx e =

let check meta_ctx = check' meta_ctx DB.set_empty

(** Compute the set of free (meta)variables. **)

let rec list_union l1 l2 = match l1 with
| [] -> l2
| (x::l1) -> list_union l1 (if List.mem x l2 then l2 else (x::l2))

type mv_set = subst list VMap.t
let mv_set_empty = VMap.empty
let mv_set_add ms m s
= let ss = try VMap.find m ms with Not_found -> [] in
if List.mem s ss then ms
else VMap.add m (s::ss) ms
let mv_set_union : mv_set -> mv_set -> mv_set
= VMap.merge (fun m oss1 oss2
-> match (oss1, oss2) with
| (None, _) -> oss2
| (_, None) -> oss1
| (Some ss1, Some ss2)
-> Some (list_union ss1 ss2))

module LMap
(* Memoization table. FIXME: Ideally the keys should be "weak", but
* I haven't found any such functionality in OCaml's libs. *)
= Hashtbl.Make
(struct type t = lexp let hash = Hashtbl.hash let equal = (==) end)
let fv_memo = LMap.create 1000

let fv_empty = (DB.set_empty, mv_set_empty)
let fv_union (fv1, mv1) (fv2, mv2)
= (DB.set_union fv1 fv2, mv_set_union mv1 mv2)
let fv_sink n (fvs, mvs) = (DB.set_sink n fvs, mvs)
let fv_hoist n (fvs, mvs) = (DB.set_hoist n fvs, mvs)

let rec fv (e : lexp) : (DB.set * mv_set) =
let fv' e = match e with
| Imm _ -> fv_empty
| SortLevel SLz -> fv_empty
| SortLevel (SLsucc e) -> fv e
| SortLevel (SLlub (e1, e2)) -> fv_union (fv e1) (fv e2)
| Sort (_, Stype e) -> fv e
| Sort (_, (StypeOmega | StypeLevel)) -> fv_empty
| Builtin _ -> fv_empty
| Var (_, i) -> (DB.set_singleton i, mv_set_empty)
| Susp (e, s) -> fv (push_susp e s)
| Let (_, defs, e)
-> let len = List.length defs in
let (s, _)
= List.fold_left (fun (s, o) (_, e, t)
-> (fv_union s (fv_union (fv_sink o (fv t))
(fv e)),
o - 1))
(fv e, len) defs in
fv_hoist len s
| Arrow (_, _, t1, _, t2) -> fv_union (fv t1) (fv_hoist 1 (fv t2))
| Lambda (_, _, t, e) -> fv_union (fv t) (fv_hoist 1 (fv e))
| Call (f, args)
-> List.fold_left (fun s (_, arg)
-> fv_union s (fv arg))
(fv f) args
| Inductive (_, _, args, cases)
-> let alen = List.length args in
let s
= List.fold_left (fun s (_, _, t)
-> fv_sink 1 (fv_union s (fv t)))
fv_empty args in
let s
= SMap.fold
(fun _ fields s
-> fv_union
(fv_hoist (List.length fields)
(List.fold_left (fun s (_, _, t)
-> fv_sink 1 (fv_union s (fv t)))
fv_empty fields)))
cases s in
fv_hoist alen s
| Cons (t, _) -> fv t
| Case (_, e, t, cases, def)
-> let s = fv_union (fv e) (fv t) in
let s = match def with
| None -> s
| Some (_, e) -> fv_union s (fv_hoist 1 (fv e)) in
SMap.fold (fun _ (_, fields, e) s
-> fv_union s (fv_hoist (List.length fields) (fv e)))
cases s
| Metavar (m, s, _, t)
-> let (fvs, mvs) = fv t in
(fvs, mv_set_add mvs m s)
try LMap.find fv_memo e
with Not_found
-> let r = fv' e in
LMap.add fv_memo e r;

(*********** Type erasure, before evaluation. *****************)

let rec erase_type (lxp: L.lexp): E.elexp =
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