A Reddit bot to encourage better political discussions
usage: iot.py [-h] (--test | --live) [--debug | -q] [--no-fetch] [--no-post]
[username] [password]
A Reddit bot to encourage better political discussions.
positional arguments:
username Username for the bot. If not provided, will not attempt to
password Password for the bot. If not provided, will prompt.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test Only post to /r/test.
--live Post to any subreddit in the list.
--debug Show debug messages.
-q, --quiet Suppress info messages in console.
--no-fetch Don't check for new threads, only use existing data.
--no-post Don't make any posts.
This script exits after finishing its work, so it should be run in a cron job
or similar.
No setup required - the script will create its database automatically if it's not found. For development you can run it in several "safe modes" - if you don't give it a username and password, or if you specify --no-post it will not post any comments. If you specify --test it will run normally but will only post in /r/test. You should only use --live on the production server unless you have some way of mirroring the database - otherwise things will get double-posted.
In production, you'll need to set up a cron job to run the script at regular intervals. Mine looks like this:
0 * * * * /home/redditbot/in-other-threads/iot.py --debug --live USERNAME PASSWORD
15,20,45 * * * * /home/redditbot/in-other-threads/iot.py --debug --live --no-fetch USERNAME PASSWORD