For main mission, type a command below on the terminal. our model is coppeliasim_models/teamE_robot_ver6_final.ttm. Use environment setting as Vortex, very accurate, dt = 50ms.
roslaunch data_integrate capstone_launch.launch
For bonus mission, type below command. Both mission share same environment settings.
roslaunch bonus_package bonus_launch.launch
Our system publishes "/zone" topic to activate nodes for ball harvesting zone. However, you cannot change the robot control method by just publishing "/zone" topic manually.
Instead, just follow the steps below for using ball harvesting zone control.
Move robot on the step obstacle in the entrance zone like below picture.
set DEBUG_HARVEST as true. It is defined in data_integrate/data_integration.cpp, line 83 (approximately).
Type same command as before:
roslaunch data_integrate capstone_launch.launch
In main mission, this package uses basic libraries such as std::msgs, opencv, etc. However, in bonus mission, we use icp algorithm in pcl library, so it requires pcl_conversions, pcl_ros library.
Perhaps all the packages are included in the ros full package, so if the simulation environment has a full ros noetic package, no additional dependency is required.