Solves sudoku using input either from CSV file or Manually
- Java 8
`Clone the repo and run Src/ using any suitable IDE
Algorithm Used:
There are 81 maximum variables in a sudoku
To solve them, we require 81 equations atleast,
To avoid that, we'll be using the constraints which are
1) Every row must have unique numbers ranging from 1 to 9
2) Every column must have unique numbers ranging from 1 to 9
3) Every box(3x3) must have unique numbers ranging from 1 to 9
In addition to solving these condition,this algorithm uses MVR heuristic(Minimum value remaining)
i.e It starts filling the cells in a box wise manner such that box with the least number of unfilled cells gets filled first and so on
It allows to reduce the number of recursive loops which occur due to backtracking.
It could also be said as efficient backtracting using heuristics
Moreover, multiple optimizations have been done to reduce the time complexity
1) Program doesn't have to check wheather a cell is empty because a Point arraylist which contains the
empty points is generated in the starting and is ordered by boxes which have the least number
of empty cells
The algorithm above is the most efficient when the boxes have unequal number of elements present in them
This algorithm works as pure backtracting if boxes have equal/no elements.
Description of Classes:
This program uses Dynamic arrays to save empty points which are later
used to determine heuristics which are minimum value remaining box;
Multithreading has also been used for efficiency and anti freezing of GUI
*Description of various classes used*
1) Main
Initializes static array of sudoku, points etc, intializes GUI as well
2) Solver
This Class has the algorithm to solve sudoku, It also refreshes GUI after every step
(Timer delay could be edited in this class)
3) guiController
Initializes GUI and provides various functions to retrieve/display/refresh the GUI
4) sudokuInitializer
This class allows input through Files
It also has a commented function which could take array values via console
(used only for debugging purpose)
To-do list:
- Update User playing functionality
- GUI updation
Created by @devkathuria - feel free to contact me!