This web server was built to be modular, so that functionality can be easily added through plugins! If I have missed any useful features feel free to let me know, or make a pull request.
- Fully featured UI to manage all aspects of your MWS project
- Completely open source. Go ahead, break things!
- Built with web apps in mind.
- Comes with built in for websocket support through plugins.
- Completely configurable.
Modular Web Server requires Node.js v4+ to run.
- Download the server and extract.
- Install the dependencies.
cd Modular-Web-Server npm install --save
- Start the server. This will also generate a config file if none exists.
npm start
- Set Webroot path in config.json to point to your WebRoot
"webRoot": "./Chillspace/Webroot"
- If you are using plugins, remember to set the path to your plugins folder in config.json
"pluginsPath": "../Chillspace/Plugins"
- Other optional configuration can be done in the config file. The configuration is pretty straight forward so I'll skip documenting that here.
- Drop you plugins .js file into the plugins folder.
- If the plugin has any dependencies, make sure to install them!
Here comes the fun part!
- Adding new commands to the server's console.
console commands can also pass parameters.
function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { commands.testCommand = function () { console.log("you did a thing!"); } } exports.init = init; //Make sure the init function is exported!!!
function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { commands.testCommand = function (fullString, parameters) { log(fullString); parameters.forEach(function (string){ log(string); }); } } exports.init = init;
- Accessing the server's settings.json file
function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { console.log("The server is running on port '" + settings.port + "'."); console.log("The webroot is located at '" + settings.webRoot + "'."); } exports.init = init;
- Using the servers namespaces to filter and control logging
function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { // Logging.log(string, isError, Namespace) log("Hello strange world!"); log("AHHHH AN ERROR", true); log("Ouch, an error occured in MyPlugin!", true, "MyPlugin"); } exports.init = init;
- Accessing plugins from another plugin!
//Plugin_1.js var users = {"someUser": {email:"[email protected]", password:"someEncryptedPassword"}, ...}; function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { commands.logSomething = function (){ console.log("something"); } } exports.init = init; exports.users = users; //Make sure the users structure is exported //Plugin_2.js function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { //See, you can get the exported contents of Plugin_1 here console.log(plugins["Plugin_1"].users["someUser"].email); //You can even use its commands! commands.logSomething(); } exports.init = init;
- Using in your plugin:
function init(plugins, settings, events, io, log, commands) { //Someone connects. //Note that io.on("connection", ...); is not used. You must use the server event system. //Doing it this way will ensure all plugins can use events.on("connection", function (socket){ socket.emit("message", "hello client!"); io.emit("message", "hey everyone, a client connected!"); }); } exports.init = init; exports.users = users; //Make sure the users structure is exported
- connection
- disconnect
- post
- get
- log