Python is a high level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for various purposes like web development,data analysis, artificial intelligence,data science, machine learning etc.
- Easy to Learn
- High-Level Syntax
- Interpreted language
- Objected oriented programming
- Dynamic typing
- Large standard library
- Cross-platform compatibilty
- NumPy { Numerical computing} :
- Pandas { Data maipulation and analysis} :
- Matplotlib ( Data Visualisation} :
- Keras { Deep Learning}
- Scikit-learn { Machine Learning}
- Tensorflow { Deep learning}
- Seaborn { Data Visualisation}
- Plotly { Interactive Visualisation}
- Django {full-stack framework}
- Flask {Micro framework}
- Pyramid { Flexible framework}
- Requests { HTTP framework}
- BeautifulSoup { HTML parsing}
- PyAutoGUI { GUI automation}
- Pytesseract { OCR}
- Schedule {Task scheduling}
- Paramiko { SSH atuomation}
- Pygame { game development}
- Pyglet{ cross-platform game development}
- Panda3D{3D game development}
- Scapy {Network packet analysis}
- Nmap { Data manipulation}
- Cryptography { Embedded database}
- Paramiko { MySQL database}
- SQLAlchemy {ORM}
- Pandas{Data manipulation and analysis}
- SQLite{SSH automation}
- MySQL Connector{Encryption and Description}
- Tensorflow {deep learning}
- Keras{deep learning}
- Scikit-Learn{machine learning}
- NLTK{ natural language processing}
- OpenCV{computer vision}
- Tkinter {Built-in GUI library}
- PyQt{ cross-platform GUI development}
- wxPython{ cross-platform GUI development}
- Kivy{ cross-platform GUI development}