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A SDK for Token-gating your website in simple step. Built in partnership with Alchemy and Replit


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Token - Gating - SDK

A Simple and Modern SDK For Implementing Token - Gating in your webpage , in just few steps.

MIT License



A Full Demo Video can be looked up here :

The REPLIT TEMPLATE for a Next.js Application with token-gating-sdk can be found here : Replit-Template


Website owners can verify the ownership of NFTs and Tokens in the users wallet , and accordingly grant or restrict the access to a Webpage with the help of this SDK.

It is Ready to use out of the Box , for all type of Applications , Next , React, etc. with just simple configurations steps , can be followed in the tutorial below.

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11 56 26 AM


1 . Supports all the Major Networks (Mainnet) :

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum One

2 . All wallets supported :

  • Metamask
  • Rainbow
  • Wallet Connect
  • Coinbase

3 . Easy to set up and integrate with just 3 steps

4 . Highly Customizable , Configure access based on multiple conditions


Install token-gating-sdk from CLI , in your project's root directory.

  npm install token-gating-sdk


  yarn add token-gating-sdk

NOTE : Installation might take 2-3 minutes sometime , as there are lot of dependencies included in the package .


There are 3 kinds of Wrappers as follow :

  • NextGatingWrapper for Next.js
  • ReactGatingWrapper for React.js
  • UniversalGatingWrapper for other applications


For Next.js applications

1. Import the Next Gating Wrapper and styles

Under _app.tsx

import { NextGatingWrapper } from "token-gating-sdk";
import "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/styles.css";

Wrapper Inputs


Create the config file as the tutorial below

type configDataType = {
  path: string,
  methodName: methods,
  network: networks,
  data: {
    contractAddress: string,
    tokenId?: string,
    amount?: number,
    attributes?: { value: string, trait_type: string } [],
Parameter Type Description
config configType Required. configData


Get an API key from Alchemy

const API_KEY: any = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY;
Parameter Type Description
alchemyApiKey string Required. Api key from Alchemy

2. Import inputs

Under _app.tsx

import { configData } from "../config/config";
const API_KEY: any = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ALCHEMY_API_KEY;

3. Wrap the App with the Next Wrapper as follows

Under _app.tsx

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
    <NextGatingWrapper config={configData} alchemyApiKey={API_KEY}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Andd !! BOOM ✨ , You just Token Gated your website


For other Wrapper Types , the guide is similar , just the import wrapper is changes to implement the functionality


To run the project , run local dev command

In Next Apps

  npm run dev

How to create the Config File ??

This is a very important step , where you can configure , that which page , should implement what conditions or requirements , to allow the access to the end User.

Create specific config for each page type , with the following format :

configDataType = {
  path: string;  // path name
  methodName: methods;  // methods
  network: networks; // network
  data: {
    contractAddress: string;  // contractAddress of Token or NFT
    tokenId?: string;  // Token Id of the NFT (if req.)
    amount?: number;  // Amount of tokens (if req.)
    attributes?: { value: string, trait_type: string } []; // Array of NFT Attributes (if req.)


There are currently 5 methods available , as follows :

  • NFTWithTokenID for NFT with a Specific Token ID from a collection, E.g. BAYC No. 8378

Need to add contractAddress and tokenID of the NFT

    path: "/page",
    methodName: methods.NFTWithTokenID,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D",
  • NFTCollection for NFT from a particular NFT Collection, E.g. BAYC

Need to add contractAddress of NFT Collection

    path: "/page",
    methodName: methods.NFTCollection,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D"
  • TOKEN for a particular Token , E.g. USDC

Need to add contractAddress of Token

    path: "/page",
    methodName: methods.TOKEN,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"
  • TOKENwithAmount for an amount of a Particular token , E.g. 100 USDC

Need to add contractAddress and amount of the token

    path: "/page",
    methodName: methods.TOKEN,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
      amount: 100000000,
  • NFTWithAttributes for NFT with an Specific Attribute (trait type and value) from a collection, E.g. BAYC. Fur -> Pink.

Need to add contractAddress and an array of attributes of the NFT

    path: "/page",
    methodName: methods.NFTWithTokenID,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D",
      attributes: [ { value: "Pink", trait_type: "Fur" } ]

These can be accessed by importing methods

export enum methods {


We Support 4 Mainnets currently:

  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • Polygon
  • Arbitrum One

These can be accessed by importing networks

export enum networks {
  "Arbitrum One",


Here is an example config File , for all the 5 types of Methods. Refer the same for more info -

import { configType, methods, networks } from "token-gating-sdk";

export const configData: configType = [
    path: "/privatenft",
    methodName: methods.NFTWithTokenID,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
    path: "/privatecollection",
    methodName: methods.NFTCollection,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: { contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85" },
    path: "/privatetoken",
    methodName: methods.TOKEN,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: { contractAddress: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48" },
    path: "/privatetokenamount",
    methodName: methods.TOKENwithAmount,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
      amount: 100000000,
    path: "/privateattributes",
    methodName: methods.NFTWithAttributes,
    network: networks.Ethereum,
    data: {
      contractAddress: "0x57f1887a8BF19b14fC0dF6Fd9B2acc9Af147eA85",
      attributes: [ 
      	{ value: "letter", trait_type: "Character Set" },


Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11 56 48 AM

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11 56 37 AM

Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 11 57 45 AM


The package is just live with an initial version , there might be some upcoming changes .

Contact: [email protected]

Tech Stack

Backend: React, Next, Rollup, React-router-dom, React-dom

Packages: Alchemy SDK , Rainbowkit , Wagmi , Ethers

How we built it ??

  • Token - gating was implemented by simply checking the conditions set by the Website manager in the config , based on the data from blockchain . Here Alchemy - SDK , came into play , which was used to fetch the needed data , and because of the different API endpoints available , made it easy for us to just simply add this part. We used verifyNftOwnership , getOwnersForNft and getTokenBalances methods , to get the needed data and check the logic , to authorise or restrict the user from accessing the website. This also helped us to enable this service on 4 Main-nets , Ethereum , Polygon , Arbitrum One & Optimism. RainbowKit + Wagmi were used to handle wallet and other network logic , this enabled the user to use most of the major wallets out their in the market , to connect with.

  • I had worked with Token-Gating prior to this , therefore I knew the method to add the code to a website , but converting that code into a usable component, that could be integrated to a new website in Simple Steps was the key . So the next step was to figure out the approach to implement Token-gating to any website which was the most challenging part of the bounty , We had multiple ones in mind , But finally we finalised to create an SDK , that could be used in Next , React and other web Applications.

  • We created an SDK or React Library with wrapper components in TypeScript , to ensure the best experience for the developers to interact with it. Our main aim was to make it as simple as for a newbie to add it to a website. We achieved this by handling most of the logic and extra steps on our component side , in order to make it just plugin & play. We also added an extensive documentation for the developers , to integrate the SDK .

  • Next we had to figure out the Page Routing or Navigation , Luckily , Next had Next/Router , which handles all these things , in the backend ,we just had to get the Routers current route and check the conditions to allow access. Moreover for React applications , we used , window.locationproperty from Browsers. We will be adding React-router-dom support too in near future .

  • We created an UI component too , that would ensure that non authorised users are not allowed to view the content of protected page , we used Styled-Components & chakra-ui. The UI - UX was kept simple , for the best end user experience . Pure CSS could not be used , as we were not able to configure the bundler for bundle CSS files.

  • Then came the next big challenge to actually bundle the Components , make the package as small as possible , We used Rollup here and some extra plugins to bundle the whole thing together , we had to resolve a lot of big errors here , as it was the first time developing a full scale UI SDK. But after creating 10 versions , the final working version was live. We bundled into ESM types , meaning it supported ES6 syntax, which now most of the browsers support. Setting Up package.json with the exports , files , module and configuring it to point to dist is an important step too , while building SDKs.

  • Andd !! In this way we created this token-gating-sdk in almost a week of work , lot of research and solving bugs 😅 to produce the best final version. This was indeed a great learning experience , to work around with SDKs and React Libraries along with a Web3 twist. and a lot of other packages like Alchemy-SDK , Wagmi , Rainbowkit , etc.

Looking forward for more such experience and a Big Thanks to Alchemy & Replit Teams for giving me this great opportunity .


  • Built in Partnership with Alchemy and Replit under the Bounty

  • Alchemy SDK was used to fetch the needed data from blockchain. We used verifyNftOwnership ,getOwnersForNft and getTokenBalances methods , to get the needed data and check the logic , to authorise or restrict the user from accessing the website. This also helped us to enable this service on 4 Main-nets , Ethereum , Polygon , Arbitrum One & Optimism.



Contributions are always welcome!

Create a Pull request with the details of the changes made and how they could help the project improve

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.


A SDK for Token-gating your website in simple step. Built in partnership with Alchemy and Replit








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