Release v1.39.0
New Features
- Export/Import D.T Settings by @kodinkat
- New DT Settings by @prykon
- Invalid Magic link page by @kodinkat
- Better name search in typeahead fields by @kodinkat
- Enabled Clickable Typeahead Multi Select Filter Queries by @kodinkat
- Get all history and people in Revert Bot modal
Export/Import D.T Settings
Want to copy your Disciple.Tools setup to a new D.T site?
Export any new Tiles or fields or changes you've made to them. Then upload your export to the new site.
Magic link Landing Page
If you are using magic links and the link has expired or the wrong link has been entered we'll now see this page instead of the login screen.
New Customizations (D.T) section (Beta)
We revamped the way to create tiles, fields, and field options. You can now use the intuitive user interface to create, edit, and sort these customizations for all post types. Find out the details in the user docs.
Full Changelog: 1.38.0...1.39.0