Adds simple training events tracking inside Disciple.Tools. It has features to support sharing, tasks, meeting times, connections to participants and leaders, and mapped locations.
Disciple making movements are always to some degree complemented with training movements. This plugin tracks members, planned meeting times, groups that might come from the training locations, and things like video links and tags.
- Tracks scheduled meeting times
- Tracks members and leaders of the training
- Tracks parent, peer, and child training related to this training
- Tracks comments and discussion
- Can be shared and followed
- Tracks status of the training (New, Proposed, Scheduled, In Progress, Complete, Paused, Closed)
- Train for you!
- Disciple.Tools Theme installed on a Wordpress Server
- Install as a standard Disciple.Tools/Wordpress plugin in the system Admin/Plugins area.
- Requires the user role of Administrator.
Contributions welcome. You can report issues and bugs in the Issues section of the repo. You can present ideas in the Discussions section of the repo. And code contributions are welcome using the Pull Request system for git. For a more details on contribution see the contribution guidelines.