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This the Verci_spy_System project files [source code] Download and to Compile : Extract the Resources Compressed RAR file [Located in Resources folder] to Resources folder to Fix Syntax Errors then open Verci_Spy_Manager.vbproj


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Welcome To Verci_Spy_System

=> License Agreement Approval :

  • Illegal use of this software may lead you to prison. *The Programmer is not responsible for any Illegal Use of this Software .

=> By accepting this Agreement : 1- You are responsible for any illegal use. 2- You are responsible for any damage will occur. 3- You are responsible for testing ransomwares on your PC.

=> End to End Encryption ( Fully Encrypted Socket)

  • Data transfered cannot be Monitored (Secure)

=> Program Options : 1-UAC (User Access Control) Manager (Enable or Disable) 2-Open remote Webcam / Microphone 3-Control Remote Desktop 4-File Manager Controller 5-Process Manager 6-Regedit Controller 7-Services Manager 8-Devices & Printers Viewer 9-Active Windows Manager 10-View Remote WiFi Networks 11-View Saved WIFI Passwords 12-Ransomwares [ You Have 2 Ransomwares] (Try anyone you wish) 13-WiFi Hotspot Creator [Use any other device to check the Hotspot] 14-Lan Computer Manager [Lan Spread (Premium Only)] 15-Network Connections/Drivers Manager 16-Scan Remote websites ports 17-Scan Lan network devices ports 18-Manage installed Programs 19-Unmovable chat system 20-Clipboard Manager [Images & Text] (Set & Get Clipboard) 21-Remote Command prompt 22-Code Compiler 23-Saved Password Stealer (Updated) 24-Remote Keylogger (Offline/Online) 25-DDOS Attack Manager / Http Flooder 26-Full Computer information Manager 27-(Installed Pyhton Scripts) a) This Option allow you to install Sqlmap Script in Client PC and Hack any infected sites using it _By this way Client PC will be saved in site logs not your PC

28-Run File (From Disk/Url) 29-Open Url (Default Browser)[Or](Any Browser) 30-Automatic Victim Transfer Option [Transfer to any host or external IP] 31- NoIP Updater 32-Ransomware Builder [Build own Ransomware with your own Bitcoin] 34-Notify With Client Webcam image 35-Spam options a) You can open fake Facebook login page in Client PC and grab passwords in keylogger b) You can open fake Paypal login page in Client PC and grab passwords in keylogger c) You can open fake Visa card number confirmation page in Client PC and grab information in keylogger 36-Auto Share Client Drivers over Lan

=> Ransomware Builder Manager : This is the scheme of Ransomware *) Generate Random password of 15 random chosen Characters *) Start Encrypting all files exist in user Directory using the password *) Kills explorer.exe *) Kills Microsoft.Exchange *) Kills MSExchange *) Kills sqlserver.exe *) Kills sqlwriter.exe *) Kills mysqld.exe *) Delete all Shadow copies *) Usb spread (shortcut)[.lnk] *) Keep loop to Encrypt all files exist in other Drives using the password

=> Available Trojans :

  • 2 Trojans - 2 Downloaders: a) Full Control (Size : 400 Kilobytes) b)Worm Control (Size : 170 Kilobytes) c).exe Downloader (Size : 11 Kilobytes) d).vbs Downloader (Size : 909 Bytes)


This the Verci_spy_System project files [source code] Download and to Compile : Extract the Resources Compressed RAR file [Located in Resources folder] to Resources folder to Fix Syntax Errors then open Verci_Spy_Manager.vbproj



MIT, MIT licenses found

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