Have you ever needed audible confirmation for the following:
- Special attack hit
- Special attack miss
- Auto attack miss
- Max hit
- BGS maxed
- DWH missed (AGAIN)
Well this plugin may be of use to you then. You have the option to toggle notification sounds in the event those things happen!
A singular default audio file is included to indicate when your custom sound cannot be found. No other sounds are included to avoid copyright infringement.
To use custom audio:
- Create a .wav file
- Open the plugin panel
- Click the second dropdown and select "Custom Audio" and select the file by either:
- Enter the full filepath into the empty text box
- Click the folder and select the file on your computer
- Test the sound with the button
- If the sound can't be found, a windows error sound will play
Ranged weapons have a different set of stuff to check for specs and their hits, so I'll probably have to look into that more too.
I have plans to add the predicted hit stuff to this plugin but I'd have to also work out predicted max hits to do so. That's a bit more big brain but might work better. Probably add it as a toggle or something.